
Monday 28 March 2016

Kevin Costner Dream

Its not the first time that I've had a dream of Kevin Costner and he was holding my hand tenderly in the dream. We were together. There were vehicles in the dream and a wedding party. The wedding party drove through a river to get to the church and I thought what a strange thing to do. The water went right to the top of the cars and almost covered the cars completely.

The river was on my left and I was on the right on much higher ground, up on a different road. On a bus like coach and Kevin Costner was driving. He was wearing a long beige raincoat like the beige coats that we wore in the 80's.

When we all arrived at the church, only the young couple and close family were allowed into the church and the church doors were large and wooden. Everyone else had to wait outside and it was evening, after sunset.

While Costner and I were standing together, a woman came towards us intent on having a go at Kevin Costner. Kevin whispered in my ear to not be concerned by what she said and that she is only trying to upset you. The woman that said the most had blackish hair and she went into a tirade about Kevin.

I just looked on while he responded to her to placate her. He spoke softly and determinedly. The women that were having a go at him were ex-girlfriends.

After that we got on the bus and he drove us to the next destination after I suggested that we leave.

After that the dream ended I thought this dream must be to do with America.

In dream interpretation to dream of a famous person, indicates you will get help from an unexpected source. To be on the bank of the river is a sign that if you continue on your present lines success will follow. If you were shown the outside of a church in a dream it can indicate good luck. However, biblical prophecy indicates that those inside the Church are being judged.

In dream interpretation if you saw an American person 'arguing' it can indicate that they're 'impulsive'. Although it can be an indicator of a heart condition as 'anger' is the biggest predictor of heart disease. Kevin was his usual calm self, and he did the talking in response to the American women that were 'attacking' him verbally. Also in biblical prophecy, the 'attacker' is from the land of Esau e.g. America.

In the dream Kevin knew what the woman's intentions were, and he was determined to defend the innocent. So I just let him do the talking, as it was to do with his reality that he had lived - and I trusted him that was tender. In that video above its lovely to see him with his lovely wife and children. Best wishes to Kevin his lovely wife and children.

Kevin made his choices carefully and his films tell us what he cares about and it includes social justice for Native Americans, and social justice for African-American children. With three young children of his own, and four older children. He knows deeply in his heart what the children mean to humanity. He knows that the children are the future, and that he has to do all that he can to defend the divine feminine and that which is sacred. Fields of Dreams is remembered.

It indicates a timeline to let the men speak to defend - although important to note that we left those that were in the church behind.

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