
Sunday 27 March 2016


27th March is the 'Day of Originator' raw food is on the menu today.

My originator salad includes leek, celery, spring onion, sliced mushroom, and sliced avocado. Sliced red sweet pepper, grated carrot, sultanas and blueberries with some olive oil with cream cheese with garlic and herbs. With a large slice of brown bread.

I have some oranges, banana and some more blueberries so I shall try that in a drink today. I found that the blueberries and a banana together was lovely. So decided not to put the orange into this drink. I will make different drink with the orange and orange and raw carrot would go together.

Blueberries for our mineral manganese and manganese is also for the collagen.

My blueberry and banana drink has the cost of £2.00

Those blueberries came a long way, all the way from Chile.

Make sure you give your blueberries a good wash before juicing.

Who else ate blueberries?

Canadian Native Americans.

Makes you wonder if some of those Canadians were Apache.

Mandala gifted to a Native American woman.

The Apache also liked their manganese in their raspberries.

What else do we have in the blueberries?

Lots of Vit K that is essential for the brain to assimilate Vit C.

Painting gifted to a Dutch man. 
Happy Birthday tomorrow Ho Anu

Blueberries are great for the neurones.

Neurones Tree of Life Healing

The University of East Anglia are doing a study on blueberries. 

According to the latest Public Health England report, published today (15 September 2015) in The Lancet medical journal, 40% of the UK disease burden is due to lifestyle factors and for the first time unhealthy diets now carry a higher risk than smoking for the development of disease in the UK (especially in men). You can read more about this here.
In the CIRCLES study, our research studies whether consumption of blueberries can help improve heart health, insulin resistance, lung function, and cognitive function. Are you over 50 years of age, with a BMI above 25kg/m2 and interested in your diet and health? Contact us to find out how to participate in this research study. 
The University of East Anglia point to the government website due to stating that people are living longer in the UK. However, they are living longer with more disability than they had before. Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Public Health England said. 'People are living longer, but they are living longer with disability, which will require more integrated models of care spanning health and social services. 

Why didn't he mention the high rate of poverty in the UK, and how that poverty impacts upon the health of the people? How can people change their lifestyles to incorporate all the appropriate nutrients that they require on what DWP provides the people with? Seriously, do they even think of the long term implications and the costs of their social engineering? 

How many children are given blueberries in school? High cost isn't it blueberries, how many patients that have operations are given the appropriate nutrients and minerals. Are they given blueberry drinks in hospitals? Or do you just give those patients pills? 

What do you do Kevin after a person has had operative procedure, do you in fact ensure that the memories of the pain that the body has experienced is massaged out? Do you take a complete look at that person's diet or do you just wheel them in - and wheel them out? 

Did you give them real raspberries and blueberries? Did you give those patients fresh fruit? Did you give those patients raw food while they were in hospital unwell? 

What minerals and mineral education did you give the children at school and people in hospital? Do training doctors receive more than four hours training in nutrition Kevin? How can you ask the people to eat a proper diet if they were not shown what recipes are rich in minerals and the importance of minerals on long term health. 

I agree a % of disability is related to nutrition, nutrition and mineral boosters that are required at the earliest possibility for prevention.  How can our people get the appropriate nutrition when salaries haven't increased in real terms since the late 80's? Minerals are expensive, two drinks, two days of minerals cost £6. So it requires at least £20 a week just for some of the minerals, multiply that by a family of 4 and that is £80 a week for minerals.

If British children were given raspberries and blueberries in school, they would always remember wouldn't they? If children were taught about the importance of manganese and collagen that would certainly help wouldn't it? Do children have nutrition classes? Do they have classes on anatomy?

I suggest you address the social engineering in schools and why it was tailored-made for the corporations, instead of what was appropriate for holistic health of the people and the nation.

How long did it take Kevin to get proper food in schools? Did it take Jamie Oliver to kickstart the revolution to kick out American junk food from our schools? Then generations later, you put the responsibility on to those young people who were fed at school? Now poverty is so high in the UK, children are going to school hungry and teachers are having to find food for those children.

Then you wonder why there are higher rates of disability in the UK. When many families are having to make the choice between food or clothes for their children.

When a child as been through a traumatic birth it impacts on their lives. Its only parents that know about nutrition and minerals that can help those children in more ways than one. My dad used to take me to the strawberry fields in Kent, and I always remembered. He gave me liquorice for my back and bowels, and mum made jelly. They put the effort in for their children to have the healthiest diet they could with the information that was available at that time. Food came first when we were children and they put their children first.

However, dad worked from the age of 13 and was never out of work until he was made redundant in his 50's. He could afford to pay to feed his family, but many families can't, that's why there are so many people are food banks. How many minerals will find in the food bank? Its survival food.

Dad didn't live long after his redundancy, just a couple of years. The trauma that he went through was immense. The parable of life.

So what do you say Kevin to women in their 60's that cannot afford to feed themselves with the appropriate nutrients? What do you say to those women that have health issues but no pension to help them pay for the nutrients that they require? What prevention are you offering those women? Did you know that the epidemic of Sjogren's is now higher than the incidence of heart conditions in America?

Do you know what triggers that physiological condition to manifest? 

What will you do to nurture your health  today?

Do you require help with your nutrients, healing foods, oils and essences?

What oil will you massage your body with?

My almonds (more manganese) are in water to make almond milk tomorrow, almond milk and orange juice would be lovely. My green lentils are in water to make some bean shoots, you can make bean shoots in six days.

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