
Sunday 27 March 2016

Saint Albina White Goddess

Saint Albina - White Goddess

Painting by Antonio Sicurezza 

In the painting is the Lily of Peace, it is written that in her right hand she is holding a palm leaf. Although it looks like a herb. Was she a herbalist that worked with vibrational medicine? The lemons in the painting also provide another message. Her white gown a symbol of purity. Different legends and different stories about what happened to the woman from Caesarea.

Its no coincidence that the scientists that have made huge medical breakthroughs have suddenly disappeared, and the same with holistic doctors in America. The local healing centre where I taught and gave healing as also closed down, and it had existed for generations. The leaves are for healing the nations.

News from Israel is that the top Israeli court as struck down a gas deal with an American company.

I've had a circuit go on Saturday night after smelling the coffee. Oven as gone and so has the kettle, although the juicer is OK. So its raw food for yours truly for the foreseeable future. My almonds are in water for almond milk, my green lentils are in water for bean shoots. I have leek and celery for salad. So it looks like it will have to be a cheese salad today.

27th March is the 'Day of Originator' no surprise than that raw food is on the menu today.

Originator salad includes leek, celery, spring onion, sliced mushroom, and sliced avocado. Sliced red sweet pepper, grated carrot, sultanas and blueberries with some olive oil with cream cheese with garlic and herbs. With a large slice of brown bread.

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