
Monday 28 March 2016

REIKI and Diabetes

When I was teaching Reiki we discovered the Reiki healing as a positive impact on people with Diabetes. What is important about Reiki is that it increases the oxygen in the blood and that was proven scientifically as such the Reiki students that gave them selves healing saw a great pay back for the training courses they had engaged in. Other Reiki teachers also found that they had a positive impact.

When the body is asking for sugar, or sweet things, Dr Berg says its actually asking for potassium.

However, if we look at the liver we are actually looking detoxification, and also collagen impacts on all areas of the body, so manganese is also an essential mineral. No surprise then that universities are doing studies on blueberries for diabetes. Raspberries are also high in manganese. 

Dr Berg says that Diabetes begins when the pancreas is exhausted due to the sugar that it has had to process and recent generations drank a lot of sugar laden drinks.

A friend of mine also shared that she had worn out her pancreas by eating too much fruit. That is what her doctor in the UK had told her. Hence balance is essential. Its not about eating fruit, its about eating the correct fruit for your health conditions, fruit that has the minerals and vitamins that you require. The great thing about wild blueberries is that they have a high content of Vit K that is essential for the brain and the neurones to ensure that the brain accepts the Vit C. 


What is essential is that people detoxify, Reiki healing helps people to do that. Also raw food is healthy for all of your organs. Especially if you eat raw food with the nutrients that the liver requires.

What I noticed about people with Diabetes, they were holding on to a lot of emotion, hence they required a purification on every level. Mind, body and soul. Apparently, 3.3. million people have it in the UK.

What fruit do we recommend?

Wild Blueberries, Raspberries and Bananas - get your manganese on.

Have a juiced drink everyday.


Almonds for manganese.

A Brazil nut everyday.


Oily Fish, smoked mackerel, marinated herring, smoked salmon.


Leek, celery, spring onion. Avocado, Sweet red peppers.
Grated carrot, Cream cheese with garlic and chives.
Asparagus, Blueberries and sultanas

Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

You can also snack on Mangoes and Apricots.

The other essential nut for detoxifying the liver is WALNUTS.

What else? A complete cleanse.

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