
Thursday 24 March 2016

James 1 Asking

Did asking a question or stating a fact get you arrested? Interesting that yesterday on the Libra Lunar Eclipse the verse of the day from the chapter of James is about asking and communications.

It also mentions the trial. 'Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him'. James 1:12

The Daily Telegraph have reported that a man was arrested in Croydon for asking a Muslim woman to 'explain Brussels'. Afterwards he was arrested.

Surely it is time that the the police force in the UK comprehend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 19. As then they will stop arresting people for asking a question or stating a fact. It is time for justice to be done in the UK and bring back the balance because the police are certainly out of it. What planet are they on?

'Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and idea through any media regardless of frontiers'.

The LORD as turned Purim into the day when a Jewish person is happy to see you. We drank coffee and ate lemon cake yesterday. Synchronicity that it was also the birthday anniversary of the Son of Joseph and the Libra Lunar Eclipse.

'Those who know your name trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those that seek you'. Psalm 9:10

Lemon cake is kosher cake for Purim. Lemon fruit is good for neurones - the tree of life. Lemon and its Vit K, is essential for the brain to assimilate Vit C. So get your Vit K on for PURIM.

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