
Thursday 24 March 2016

Pets or Partners?

In a dream that I had in February, I was asked about personal relationships and I gave my response to the question being asked of me. I responded honestly, that it was the least of my concerns at this point in time. Now we have the Libra Lunar Eclipse that is to do with relationships, friendships and justice.

Today, relationships are in the news. Older singles prefer a new pet to a new partner, I smiled.

Perhaps I should get myself a goldfish or a bird. Just think of those people roaming around on their own in those great big houses. If you have a big house, I can assure you that sharing your own home with other people your own age group can be a lot of fun. Just because you are older doesn't mean that you have to have a relationship, or that you have to live alone. If you get on together there is no reason why it can't work out, I always had loads of platonic male friends. I cooked and they washed up. I made the party happen and we shared the costs.

Some of those platonic friends of the opposite sex were some of the loveliest people that came into my life. I have treasured memories of so many people that were brought into my life at different phases and stages of it. Life was to be enjoyed, we danced through life, and we didn't concern ourselves about tomorrow.

For what would life be if you spent your young life concerned about the latter phase of your life and planning for it? My original plan was to retire at 50 and move to Greek Islands and be a gypsy, I vowed that I would grow older gracefully, and I warned everyone that I would be eccentric.

Alas, God had other plans about what he was going to do with me. Big smiles!

Life is for living, as you never know what is around the corner. My parents made plans for the latter phase of their lives together, dad didn't live long enough to enjoy it. I think that had a major impact on what I did in life, and how I lived it. When you've had a potentially 'terminal illness' in your 20's, recovered from it, and then had a major bereavement in your 30's, it changes you, what you do and how you do it.

You live for today, and let the tomorrow of your life take care of itself, for what good is it, planning for the future financially, when life is so changeable? All that pension that dad paid for, none of it - did he receive, so what good is pensions? Some people invested in relationships and viewed a partner as their pension. I couldn't do that, everything I did, I did it for all for love. When you do it all for love, at least you can live with yourself in integrity.

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