
Thursday 24 March 2016


Yesterday the LORD turned Purim into the day when a Jewish person is happy to see you. We drank coffee and ate lemon cake yesterday. Synchronicity that it was also the birthday anniversary of the Son of Joseph and the Libra Lunar Eclipse.

'Those who know your name trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those that seek you'. Psalm 9:10

Lemon cake is kosher cake for Purim. Lemon fruit is good for neurones - the tree of life. Lemon and its Vit K, helps the brain to assimilate Vit C. So get your Vit K on for PURIM. If your body has been through a 'traumatic' experience it requires all the tender loving care that you can give it.

Get your BERGAMOT oil in Coconut oil on the area of your body that has been impacted upon by any operative procedure. For extra relaxation and physical assimilation of nutrients I also recommend Geranium and Lavender aromatherapy oil for the body. Lavender can be put directly onto the body, other oils must be put in a massage oil or coconut oil. Almond oil as a carrier oil, is also good for people who have any internal or external skin issues, due to the almonds being rich in manganese.

You may smell the oils directly from the bottle.

For the head, face, and throat, I recommend rose water and coconut oil when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep. Sleep with the smell of a bed of roses and wake up in a bed of roses. Always remember the leaves are for healing the nations and lavender is wonderful for cleansing the air in a room. So its garden centre time this weekend, get your lavender and other healing smells on.

Neurones Tree of Life Healing

My health drink today is strawberries, raspberries, juice of a lemon and a small carton of coconut milk.

Delicious rosy pink treat.


Supper is green. iceberg lettuce, sliced cucumber, 1 stalk of sliced celery, put your asparagus on and around your dish. On top of that put half an avocado sliced, and than a boiled egg into halves. Sprinkle with black pepper and paprika, sprinkle of balsamic vinegar, sprinkle of olive oil, some mayonnaise on top.

Deliciously fresh for the mouth filled with nutrients. You also include some artichoke hearts if you have some in the cupboard or fridge.

If I fancy something else to eat later than I shall have some cream cheese, no cooking today.

Get your nuts on, let's feature cashews today, cashews are excellent for boosting collagen.


Get your human rights on and live a healthy life. 

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