
Sunday 14 February 2016

Peter and Wisdom Dream

In 2012 time I had a dream of Peter, and in the dream I was offering him some massage and healing.

In the dream Peter was cross with me and he wouldn't accept the massage being offered to him. All he required was the wisdom of the business experience. He made it clear that he was only interested in and required my business skills, talents and insights. That dream also aligns with Isaiah 10.


Painting of my feet in 2012. 

When we look at the book of Deuteronomy, that dream of Peter all makes sense.

O happy Israel!
Who is like you,
a people delivered by the LORD.

Your protecting Shield,
your Sword triumphant!
Your enemies shall come cringing before you,
and you shall tread on their backs'.

Deuteronomy 33:29

After that another massage therapist was brought into my life. The gong sound healer after I was given the sound of the gong, I was then shown where the gong sound healer was. His origins and heritage in the Caribbean. We had a meeting and I discussed his potential and business with him and the possibilities. I also felt compelled to spread the paint for him and gave him a mandala. He was very interested in Tibetan medicine and had been in contact with a someone that was willing to teach him if he could get a local group together.

It was clear that the gong sound healer was looking for someone to invest in him and his work. I didn't have any money left to promote him, like I promoted the two Peters that were worthy of that time and financial investment in the 90's. Noble deeds stand is true, one became a thousand healers.

Anyway, I offered him my business skills and expertise in exchange for some aromatherapy massages. He declined to put the effort into provide an exchange and that was the end of that.

Nevertheless, the Torah explains why he wasn't compelled to give me any massages. It looks like he passed the wisdom initiation with flying colours.

Big smiles!

I'm having some more of Sophia's snowballs (with tonic water) for Valentines Day.

14th February, the 'Day of Integration'.

Happy Valentines Day, 

Sophia snowballs come your way. 


Noble deeds stand 
it was due to wisdom 
that the noble deeds were done. 

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