
Sunday 14 February 2016

Nigel Farage Taking Our Country Back

20 years of hard work to take our country back.

A speech from Nigel Farage in Manchester, excellent and succinct.

As for you, watchtower for the flock, stronghold of Daughter Zion, the former dominion will be restored to you, kinship will come to Daughter Jerusalem. Micah 4:8. Jesus asked me to read that in December 2008, earlier that year I was in America that is mentioned in Micah 4.

He also said that Rev 12 had been completed in December 2008. Rev 12 and Micah 4 overlapped in timeline. 'I shall not leave you as orphans, I shall come to you'.

Rev 13 wisdom was called to do the count and warn the Americans about Obama. It was Obama that pushed for the war against Libya, it was Obama that caused the economic immigrant crisis. It was Obama that was involved in Syria, as Putin as clearly explained it.

What a journey, what a life, Yerushalayim. Prophecy foretold that the Virgin and 60 just ones would stand against Obama and his followers. The Gabriel Steele foretold of David, one, two, three, and 40 prophets would come.

David, England's leader of ecological self-sustainability was found on a tree as the Psalms forewarned. He passed over in 2013. David Bowie, the culture star with his liver, also forewarned in the ancient texts that the liver would be pierced. Then the renowned British scientist in the world for stem cell research was clearly taken out in Wales.

I don't agree with stem cell research for giving 'aborted babies' flesh to improve anyone's health. Did you know that the NHS is NHS UK PLC?

The NHS as become a corporation. Babies have a soul, whether they stay in the womb or not. The repercussions of what the scientists are doing to consciousness is huge. We campaigned against the organ harvesting of spiritual people in China for good reason. If an adult chooses to give their organs to help someone else that is their choice. However, what choice is a baby given? Parents are the guardians of the soul.

They've tried to take Nigel out a couple of times too, those corporations that stand in the way of healing progress are in for a few surprises. Seriously, enough is enough, we are taking our countries back.

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