
Sunday 14 February 2016

Lotus Palm - Ashiatsu Gliding Feet


'And you shall tread upon their backs' Deuteronomy 33:29.

For years I tried to get my son to do a massage course, he wasn't up for it.

How wonderful it would've been to have my son give his mum regular massages.

Never mind, his mum massaged their backs.

O Happy Israel

I met a lovely massage therapist in Israel, he only spoke Hebrew.

I stayed with Gabriel and his lovely wife Rya for a week.

In Northern Israel we spent a week together.

Sharing and caring.

Alas, I didn't get a massage when I was in Israel.

Big smiles.

Today I woke up with aching thighs and lower back. Some people call it 'Jacobs Trouble' and grandpa Joseph did have back issues as the Jesus parable indicated he was 'beaten up.'

My memories of him are of him sitting in a chair when he put ice cream in my face, and I cried when he did it. I was about five years old at the time. Last night as a birthday treat I had some Dutch advocaat and tonic water, it was lovely, it goes all frothy with the tonic water and its healthy with eggs in it for the vital body.

I did have to go out on Friday to see the surgeon at the hospital, and now my body is paying the price for going out, body aching ever since. More serious on waking up today, I also woke up with thoughts of that recent dream of the men with guns. So now I am wondering if the Dutch advocaat triggered some past life memories. The Jewish side of the family of Joseph were Dutch, when Jewish people from Holland congregated in London they were known as Chuts.

The Dutch from Amsterdam. The grandpa of Joseph was a cigar maker and he had a kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue. His daughter was Catherine Arbede, a seamstress, and Joseph was her first born, most of the family looked very Spanish in their colouring and most of the women had a large bone structure like Joseph. I took after my mothers side with a small bone structure - and in my youth Germans that came to London, thought I was French.

There is definitely some French on my mother's dad's side and the women from that side are tiny in height like Joseph's wife, Sarah was small in height. Like the clairvoyant gypsies that have been found to be nomads, as in the original Hebrews. Historical heritage is fascinating, when you track it back.

This photograph of the children was taken at a birthday party, and most of the children went to Christopher Hatton junior school. It was my second school, I was taken away from the first school and put into Christopher Hatton, so this photograph must have been taken in 1959-1960 timeline. I'm on the left with curly hair, as my mother used to perm my hair.

Lily would've liked to have become a hairdresser, but Sophia wouldn't let her due to the chemicals. So she practiced her passion for hairdressing on her daughter. It caused quite a stir at school, both junior and senior school, because one day my hair would be straight, and the next day it would be curly.

Apparently all the children in this photograph above were from Christopher Hatton except for three of the children that must have been friends of the children. The boy that my head is near looks like Ross (his dad worked with my dad, Ross didn't go to our school, he lived in a different area) and next to him it looks like Paula, a cousin. That could also be Debra on the left hand side with the blonde hair, she took after her mum's blonde hair colouring, Dad's sister's children. They were ever so young when their mum passed over.

Grandma Sophia really liked the Dutch Advocaaat - the snowball was her drink - and we always had a bottle in for her. Today a bottle is £4.99. The drink is associated with the lawyer, and her uncle that lived in Nash Terrace was a barrister, so she was giving a lasting message, that she knew that I would remember - the connections with the Netherlands.

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