
Sunday 14 February 2016

Christchurch Earthquake New Zealand

Valentines Day earthquake struck at 13:13 local time, (00.13 GMT) magnitude 5.7. The Cliffs have collapsed during the earthquake in the city if Christchurch on the South Island report the BBC.

'Stay away from the coastlines, they will be taken by the sea'. Millennium Prophecy lectures delivered in the 90's to those that had the ears to hear.

13:13 is significant. 13+13 = 26 the Hebrew gematria of the name of God.

13 significant the power of love. 13+13 the double portion.

'And of Joseph he said:

Blessed of the LORD be his land.

With the bounty of dews from heaven, and of the deep that couches below.

With the bounteous yield of the sun,

and the bounteous crop of the moons;

With the best from the ancient mountains,

and the bounty of the earth and its fullness,

and the favour of the Presence of the Bush.

May these rest on the head of Joseph,

on the crown of the elect of his brothers'.

Deuteronomy 33:13-16

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