
Saturday 13 February 2016

13th February 2016

I always think of friends that have birthdays around this time, 
I think of them fondly, and wonder if they think of me. 
Ann, Annie and my godson. 

The birthdays came before mine in time.
 to remind me of my own was coming. 

Tomorrow who will they be?
Will they be free to see, 
the key to heaven sent. 

In my peaceful heart they will always be, 
in my heart is their key to be free. 

The key of life brought by the mother of it. 
A special weekend, 13th February, the 'Day of Stimulation'.

A Kimulation, an elation of love lived and forgived.
Some might call it an accumulation of the memories of love lived.
Or the love that was sieved as flour, and oil for the pour.

The 14th 'Day of Integration', a Valentine Day of romantic love. 

13 x 2 = 26 - the Hebrew gematria of the name of God.

The flame of Joseph received a double portion.
For our families and children to love magnanimously.
Beyond caution the key of the beloved. 

I remember when he said, 'Tell them when you were born'. 

The times when we looked after the 'forlorn' and those that were 'torn'. 

As the Son of God said, 'I shall not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'. 

Travelling far and wide, on the narrow path, spreading the colour of the love.

The colours of the light of the rainbow from wonderland.
Across the dunes of the sand,
All the way to Australia, America, Malaysia, and the Middle East.
The great feast of love spread across every table,
in every stable, upon every cable.

We drove all night, just to see you, be seen by you, and be with you again.
The power of love.
In helping to restore you, and rejuvenate, you know that God as not forgotten you.


  1. I remember last night he spoke of the birthday message and that they've translated it into Hebrew immediately.

  2. Today I woke up with aching thighs and lower back. Could hardly move. Some people call it Jacobs 'trouble', when you have an aching lower back and things. I did go out to the hospital on 12th to see the surgeon in respect of oral surgery. I asked the surgeon for a diagnosis for the condition. The NHS surgeon just said it was normal. I don't agree with the NHS surgeon that its a normal situation due to the trauma that I experienced in 2011. My teeth were fine prior that.
