
Saturday 13 February 2016

David's Coat -v- Islam

David -v- Goliath 

The Daily Mail report that a pub landlord was told by council officers in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, to remove his Union Jack jacket because it might offend people. Jason Mawer has been warned twice to remove his one-off jacket. The unique Mod-style jacket was made for a Who convention in London. 

No coincidence then that I was compelled to paint a red, white and blue mandala above, and feathers in those colours. I will cover you in feathers, I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. 


It is written that David refused to attend the Olympic ceremony in London in 2012. However, Geri was there with her union jack.

David in 1996, and Geri in 1997.

The iconic dress worn by Geri in 1997 certainly launched Geri and the Spice Girls. Girl Power had arrived. So what were you doing in 1996-1997? In 1996 David Bowie went to Israel. During that time I was serving clients in many different countries with divine guidance and touring with spiritual people.

The academic should learn that you can't have a rational discussion with some Muslims.

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