
Wednesday 3 February 2016


In recent days a saw a female child and in the future she will be attracted to flamenco, I saw her dancing gracefully and impressively. The dance of the soul, her dance of love. As the LORD said, 'Tap on wood'. Did you tap dance as a child? Did you love to dance like a child loves to dance?

Did you dance the love dance and dance your heart out? With love in every cell of your heart?

True love is a dance, a dance of the soul for the soul loves to dance with the Spirit of God.

For the LORD God gave us power, love and discipline. The red tap shoes that I saw in the four directions vision, and the tap shoes were in the direction of the south. I do think that tap dancing, and flamenco music - awakens the soul to what the soul yearns for. If I think back during my life, every time flamenco came into my life, my life changed direction after that.

So tap dancing is excellent for children, and awakening their souls to their potential and natural talents. For in the dance, in its love, in its passion, life emerges with the freedom of it, and where that freedom can take you. A child that dances, will always dance, if they are allowed to do so, a child that dances, will always know the freedom and free flowing of its energy. They will always remember it and return to it - if and when their freedom is being imposed upon. To dance in the truth of your potential, giving to you - naturally.

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