
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Past Life Dream

Last night I had a dream, in the dream I was in a building with lots of other people, and the building was being flooded like you see in the film titanic, the water was coming from everywhere and people were running for their lives, to get away from the water.

After that we went into a large room and a man that I knew was with us, he was calling people to his attention, as he didn't wish to make the decisions on his own due to the responsibility of those decisions. He was asking people to gather with him, to listen and to share and to make decisions together on what to do, so that people would be in agreement with each other.

While he was calling to the people, I went over to the large windows with burgundy velvet curtains, there was more than two curtains because the window was large, it was like a large bay window, as I was pulling the curtains closed, it was night time, and I looked out of the window in the old large building.

Down below I saw men with guns in military uniforms. I was very high up above the men, but from what I could see, the ground troops were wearing a grey colour, and they were wearing hats. They looked like Nazi's and it was like going back in time, like being in a past life in Germany, that was repeating itself again.

In this flooding of the land surrounding the Euro tunnel, you will see men wearing the same shape hat that I saw in the dream.

I knew what to do and hurriedly closed the old curtains, and told people that we have to turn off the lights in the building.

Then suddenly, I remembered that there was women in the hallway. So I opened the door and told the women to come inside quickly, then I told the women to turn off the lights in the hallway, there were windows in that hallway, and there were military men down below and they could shoot through those windows.

So the women turned off the lights in the hallway quickly, and came into the large room. Then the force of the dream woke me up from it. This was like a past life dream that is repeating itself again, like history repeating itself.

I think the colour of the curtains is important in this context, as Burgundy is to do with a location in France in this context.  The video on Ukraine was recommended for me to view today, when I just looked at youtube. In dream interpretation to dream of velvet relates to material wealth, and the curtains that I saw in the dream were what you could describe as 'shabby', 'worn', as in second hand curtains, and really could've done with being replaced with new curtains.

However, the timeline in the dream was when people couldn't afford new curtains, it was clearly - war time - and in war time - it is often the case that the material isn't available - after its all been bought from the shop.

Just like the people cannot afford to give their new realities to the old realities. it requires money to buy new curtains, big velvet curtains, and yesterday we were discussing that people require money to start a business.

How you can't start a business or self-employment with nothing, some poor people can't even afford a computer, or a new pen, let alone do what the rich Conservatives would like people to do. Even ecological, self-sustainability costs money and financial investment.

Sometimes I wonder what planet the Conservatives and business people are on, I laugh when people talk about a free market, even when business people talk about it. Even corporations have power over other corporations, so what freedom in the market is that?

Rich people don't have the freedom that many think that they have, nor are they immune from the spiritual law. The children of rich people die, just the same as children of the poor. Do you remember the French and Russian revolutions, what did people learn from that? Do you remember Nazi Germany, what did people learn from that? What did people learn from history?

We said, never again didn't we, yet humanity as stood by while cultural genocide, and the invasion of our countries has been happening under our noses. I wrote many times that WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear its head again. 

Even the Australian Mother Duck is willing to take care of an orphan and the Australians were fantastic to yours truly, the spiritual people in Australia were absolutely amazing. So were the spiritual Israelis and the Greeks when I went to meet them.

How many people were willing to take care of an orphan or a widow? How humane are you? How many people did the rich shield from the austerity measures, how many defended the poor to stop the war and the destruction of your nations? How many people united with the spiritual for the good of everyone?

How many went beyond their material existence, for the happiness of the children and the future of the nations? How many people cared fully for the people within their own countries?

How compassionate and merciful were you? Did you feed those that had no food like this mother of life did? Did you put a roof over a woman's head, and feed her, when her children had been taken from her? Did you provide a computer to a widow or a man when he/she didn't have one to carry on with her life purpose for being? Did you give your own guitar to a poor person that asked for it?

Did you give your computer bag to someone that could make use of it? Did you defend people by letting them know in advance that they were going to be shot at - if they stayed where they are?

Did you share with people to go to higher ground, did you gather people together to share the truth together?

I gave blessings in abundance, and I received blessings in abundance, did you?

Did you bestow blessings in abundance wherever you went?

In dream interpretation if you escaped a flood with others, it means that you will be helped to overcome the obstacles in the dream, which means that what I saw in the dream can certainly be overcome when people have the willingness to engage. However, the guns came after the people escaped from the floods, so it does indicate a timeline.

What about the heart of the matter in Hebrew/Aramaic?

Jeff Benner explains the differences in the translations.

Heart of intelligence now scientifically proven, how great is that.

Today, David Bowies widow is in the news walking their temple dog. The article includes, the words that his widow posted, 'Sometimes you will never know the value of the moment until it becomes a memory'.  
So true, is that statement. In David's will that was written in 2004, he asked to be cremated in Bali in a Buddhist ritual.

In dream interpretation to dream of people drowning in water indicates business interests. If those people were rescued then they will have the opportunity to recoup through the intervention of a friend. In spiritual symbology water can also indicate emotion, and the stronger the power of the water, as in a big flood, the greater the emotion involved.

I am not surprised that after I woke up from the dream of seeing such things happening to people, I could actually feel it in my chest. I do know that I had a past life in Germany, and this experience, brings forth other memories that relate to the life. I experienced a healing session on a Jewish past life in Germany in 2004, so its interesting that a different aspect of it as been shown in this dream. Also the connection with a man and other people that clearly connect with that lifetime. 



    Rail union boss says that Conservatives 'should be taken out and shot', due to three disabled people dying every single week in the UK due to austerity. In response a radio presenter told him, to 'behave more like an adult'. Perhaps the radio presenter should also be saying that to the Conservatives, especially Cameron and Duncan-Smith. How many times do they have to be told to 'grow up', seriously, how many reality checks do they require? Do their houses have to burn down, or the homes of the rich have to be flooded, before they will become more merciful and take compassionate action to help the poorest of the nation?

  2. Titanic replica planned for launch in 2018
