
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Mobility Removed 14,000 Disabled

Remember my dream last night?

News is that nearly 14,000 disabled people who rely upon a specialist motoring allowance have had their cars taken away following welfare changes.

What this means is that their independence and mobility as been removed. Now some disabled people have families to help them to get their shopping etc, but many disabled people do not have either families living close by or at all. So how will they be able to get their shopping or go out? Some people live in the countryside, nowhere near a bus stop. Their only means of transport is a car.

Does it remind you of what they did to disabled people in Germany, they eliminated them.

The other news is that a train trade union leader said that the Conservatives 'should be taken out and shot'. A radio presenter responded that he should 'Behave like an adult'. I wonder what she has to say to David Cameron and DWP? How many more passings due to austerity? Apparently, there are three a week in the disabled community in the UK and taking away their mobility will increase the numbers. DWP and what is known as 'Procurement of Suicide'.

This comes at a time when the British parliament has the most expensive parliament that it has ever had in the history of its creation. They should have their cars and all allowances removed, and see how they feel about it.

Some of the disabled always had newish cars, so the policies of the Conservatives, will impact on industry and the manufacturing of cars.  It always costs the Conservatives a lot more in the end.

Even Mother Duck looks after an orphan in Western Australia, how humane is Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith? Are they as humane as a duck? Remember this, 'I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'. John 14:18.

Didn't Elijah help the women and their disabled children? What greater proof did you require? Didn't I give those mothers and children everything that they asked for?

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