
Thursday 4 February 2016

EON and AGE UK Screw Pensioners

Daily Mail reports that the energy firm EON screwed UK Pensioners by paying the charity AGE UK £6 million a year, in return for the charity promoting higher cost tariffs to pensioners. That equates to £41 for every person that signed up to it.

So much for the charity of AGE UK, screwing the pensioners financially, in hand with EON.

However, Age UK, are rejecting the allegations in respect of the financial incentive given to the charity.

I have a story of my own about the business practices of EON, they make it almost impossible to get rid of them, and they always charge more than they are meant to charge. I am so pleased we moved over to gas for most of our energy requirements, although I still have a big financial case against EON to sort out.

Does it remind you of Isaiah 10 and what they do to the 'widows and fatherless'?



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