
Thursday 4 February 2016

Dad's and Frailty

In this letter to his children, a dad asks his children to forgive him,  and in his letter he tells them that he doesn't care whether they are happy or not. 

Whereas, when I spoke to my child, this mother of life life said, 'I don't mind what you do for a living, as long as you are happy'. That was very important to this mother because parents are usually very influential in the life choices that young people make in their work lives. And I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson (USA) to help the children, you have to help the parents. 

Happiness for the soul is essential, and enjoying what you do in your work life - because a man works for a very long time, so he better make sure that he chooses a career that is compatible with his soul. Of course, it helps if you know what that child's north node is, because the north node in their birth chart, indicates what their soul's yearning and purpose is. Its certainly a very powerful guideline on the journey of the soul in this incarnation and what has to be overcome by the soul that has chosen it. 

It took a long time for my son to finally decide on a career path, he didn't decide until he was in his 30's, and once he did, he is committed to the training in it. I wonder if the dad that wrote this letter for his children, knows that dads impact upon careers, and mums impact on relationships. 

Like his mum, my son is very choosy who he shares his life with. They have to be intelligent, peaceful, compassionate and merciful because that is what my son loves. Being an Aquarian he also likes lots of time to just be in the freedom - and to do what he likes and enjoys to do. He's a typical temple dog in the chinese signs, he likes to stay home in front of the fire with his mum's flames of love. He is man's best friend, and his mum's best friend too. 

Will your children forgive you for your frailty, is the question posed in the dad's letter.  In my experience, children forgive when they are ready to forgive, and it depends on the circumstances involved. In the letter the dad admits that he has a 'short fuse', and that he's working on it, at least he's honest about it, and for that the children can be thankful. 

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