
Thursday 4 February 2016

Athens NUTS

The Athens nuts are kicking off in Athens again over the pensions, they say its not enough to live on or for survival. What they should do is engage a human rights lawyer - and take on Goldman Sachs and Angela Merkel. Then take on those in Greece that massaged the figures with GS to obtain membership of the EU.

Biblical prophecy predicts that Greece will be saved. Zechariah 9.

David Milliband is talking about another million work permits for more economic migrants in Europe, when Greeks and other Europeans don't have enough to live on and sustain themselves.

When unemployment in Europe is the highest that its ever been. At the same time as migrants are slashing their own boats in Greek waters, where is the justice in that? I recommend that people read Isaiah 10 and what they're doing to the widows and orphans. Isaiah 10 tells you what they're doing with the laws, what there doing to the widows and the children. 

As Nigel says, 'Woman UP'.

What's Owen Jones up to? He's been interviewing Momentum in the UK.

And Jonathan on TTIP - Isaiah 10 anyone?

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