
Thursday 4 February 2016

Chiquito Chain Refusing English Staff

On the 29th January, I was given the name of 'Travis' who was an owner in a Mexican restaurant in London.

The Daily Express share with us that English people are being overlooked for jobs by a chain of Mexican restaurants Chiquito; due to the fact that the Polish are refusing to work with the English.

That reminds me of the case of the local gas station when all of the English workers were replaced by economic migrants from Sri Lanka, people that couldn't even speak English when speaking to their customers.

Its outrageous what as been allowed to happen in this country to its indigenous workforce, right under the noses of the people themselves.

No surprise then that there was a fire at one of the Chiquito restaurants in Southampton.

'I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'. John 14:18

Richard Travis certainly stays in touch, (and Sarah and Will sometimes) since they passed over.

Big smiles, elders around the throne.

Boycott Chiquito and have a Travis meal instead.

What's the latest with Cameron, he's told his MP's to ignore those that elected them.

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