
Thursday 4 February 2016


Following on from the most recent dream that included flooding waters.

Isaiah 10 mentions 'He will raise his staff over the waters, as he did in Egypt'. Its no coincidence that this flame of Joseph was sent to Egypt twice, and the second to the Nile, from Luxor to Aswan. On that trip our hearts connected with the Christian Copts.

It was in that timeline that a man from Lebanon who was living in England, passed over with a heart condition. Its a long time since I've seen or spoken to his wife. Although I did receive a message from him for his widow who was having work done on her house at the time.

Then there were the two journeys to Israel, on the first journey I was sent to the Galilee to stand in the water before Syria, and also to the Dead Sea. It was at the Dead Sea that I was with many disabled children, orphans that had come for a lovely day out. I knew in my heart that they would be shown to me.

Mothers and their disabled children also featured in my life in the UK, and when they were brought to yours truly for help, I gave them everything that they asked for. That is the difference, a person sent by God -v- what the politicians do as mentioned in Isaiah 10.

'I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'. John 14:18

Isaiah 10 mentions that only a remnant will return to Israel and that aligns with Ezekiel 37.

It also mentions the 'saw' and the 'ax'. A carpenter uses a saw, and the carpenter appeared in a recent dream. I view the ax as the tomahawk that was gifted to a healer in the mid 90's. Interesting that the man with the 'saw', and the spiritual man with the 'ax', both have the same first name, both live in the UK. Although the man with the 'ax', shared that he is moving to a different country in Europe for his retirement.

When I received the first message from God about the tomahawk, I asked what the significance of the message was, and I was told the tomahawk would be as important to Peter, as the sword was to Arthur.

It was months later that a real tomahawk was gifted to me in Yorkshire to give to Peter and I was told the complete story of how that tomahawk came to the UK from America,  and what had been given in exchange for it. In its blade there was a heart, and friends were involved in its design with Native American symbols, that my young son and I painted upon the wood, I chose the colours of the paints, to decorate it, and also included some leather strips, beads with feathers. A few months later, it was then presented to Peter at an exhibition, in front of his audience that he was working with - in the healing process. A polaroid was taken of the presentation, and I gave it to Peter.

It was a beautiful journey to Yorkshire, and I was accompanied on the journey. Prior to that journey I was told divinely that I must accept all invitations that I received to travel. Soon after - that opportunity arrived, a client invited me to go north, for a party in my honour. Then the whole story of the tomahawk unravelled before us for the glory of God. So many people were involved in it - and how it all came to be.

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