
Saturday 16 January 2016

West African Siege

I don't post every event that happens, I only post the information when it has been indicated by a dream received.

14th January received the Ziggy Stardust dream, and messages and the dream was in the African community. Today there is news that there has been a siege in West Africa with 18 nationalities involved, and the BBC report says that 23 have died. In the photographs, Africans have congregated around the hotel where it happened.

In the time of Jesus some of the Jewish priests thought that Jesus was the Leopard mentioned in the book of Daniel and biblical scholar Geza Vermes wrote about it. It is also mentioned in the book of Revelations chapter 13 and wisdom was called to do the count on the man e.g. Obama. The siege in West Africa mentions 18 different nationalities and the numeric in Rev 13 adds up to 18. Its easy to count isn't it? The insights of the soferim of 18 = 'Materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. 

Jesus wasn't into materialism, as he knew what it creates for the people. Another reason why he had a spiritual community. 

The word 'religion' doesn't even exist in biblical Hebrew and there were many different spiritual philosophies in Israel at the time of Jesus. In fact there were at least 24 different sects, the remnants of different prophet schools, remnants due to the prophet schools being closed down by the Rabbi's throughout the middle east in around 100BC. 

Another reason why some of the mystics, healers and scribes went to the Dead Sea somewhere between 100-150BC, they saw that the writing was on the wall, and they took what they could with them to preserve the texts and Isaiah's copper scroll. 

The fact that they had Isaiah's copper scroll - shows us that at least some of them were from Isaiah's prophet school. Some of them came from Jerusalem and smuggled out the scrolls because the mystics knew what was coming upon it - once the prophet schools were closed down, history repeats itself. 

In 2007, I was taken back in time, it was like being in a film, and I was shown what happened in Jerusalem to over 100,000 people that included women and children. I was right in it, trying to help the children to escape the Romans on their horses. The rabbi's were nowhere to be seen, I knew in my heart that they had escaped what happened. 

After my return from the second mission to Israel in 2007, it was then in the news about the route out of Jerusalem and the tunnel pictures were shown by the archaeologist's. Further confirmation of what I had been shown, and what I knew to be true. 

Its some years ago now when the leader of the Nation of Islam, (USA) was giving a radio interview whereby he was calling Obama out, and reminding him of his future on the African continent as its leader. As we know, currently, America is in the lead up to its next presidential election and some are wondering what position Obama will be given next, as we know of his involvement with Saudi Arabia prior to his first election. 

In fact his career and how it was financed as been documented, we looked deeply into his case prior to his election, and this mother of life was sent to America to warn Americans about Obama. The heavenly Father provided many visions, warnings, and messages to assist the Americans at that time, it was a very intense period of my mystical and prophetic life. The most serious that I had encountered.

In November 2008, the heavenly Father referred to Obama as the Pharaoh and he showed me an 'attack' was going to take place at Chinese New Year in Pakistan, so I contacted a Pakistani Muslim doctor in England to let her know in advance of it happening. To warn her and to tell her to give the message to her people.

It was four days into Obama's presidency when he gave the order to 'attack' Pakistan and it happened during Chinese New Year in 2009.  Yet,  he was still given the Nobel Peace Prize, for what one might ask. What peace did Obama ever bring to the world, and his people? We know what has happened in America since his election, we have also seen what has and is happening in Africa. America, its corporations, and economic hit men.

I cannot hold back, I cannot be silenced, the truth has to be told, it has to be expressed, I may express it differently to David Bowie, a kinsman - yet our work is synchronized with the LORD God Almighty who gave us his guidance and instructions.

After David passed over, his Islamic wife tweeted that the 'Struggle is real, and so is God'. 

In the prophecies of Zephaniah, he gave prophecies about the Virgin and how she would struggle against a man, with 60 just ones. However, I don't think that David's wife was talking about the struggle with Obama - due to the messages that David shared in his artistry. IMHV, his wife is the woman mentioned in Proverbs 7, the woman that he was being warned about. 

As the prophecy was asking the Son to stay close to wisdom, a kinswoman, to accept understanding from the kinswoman, and if he didn't then his liver would be pierced. In my view of it, he was being asked to stay in England. In his last album he sung about running to England's evergreens. 

My view based upon divine experience is that Obama is the man mentioned by Zephaniah, and his followers were described as having faces liked 'cats', the Panther and the Black Panthers do exist in America.  We all remember how Oprah supported the election of Obama, we also know that Muslims funded his election and career. 

Rev 13, gave a prophecy about what would happen if people supported Obama. That is why people were warned in advance. Now with biometrics the corporations would like to photograph your eyes and that is being done with optician technology. David knew about these things, years in advance, he was awake, and it was featured in his film, 'The Man that Fell to Earth'.

In the Gabriel steele a prophecy was given about David, one, two, three, and 40 prophets that would come. 

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