
Friday 15 January 2016

Caolite O'Broin Story

Another youngster as died in the hands of the medical professionals. A young Dubliner was found in the river Liffey earlier this month. My heart goes out to his family, while the minister for health talks about 'gaps' in the services. Those that know, know that what is offered to young people has to completely change. They diagnose patients based upon 20th century medics with no scientific evidence to support their diagnose's. It really is time that the holistic spiritual team were brought in, otherwise the 'suicide' rates are going to soar.

This is why Angels Healing Trust was launched in 2000, to raise awareness that there is a better way, an holistic way. Providing the earliest of interventions with holistic facilities that can offer intensive care.

Only when the medics accept that they are the cause in many cases, will the momentum build for complete change, the solutions to all that ails humanity are spiritual solutions - and people like Caoilte require understanding, receive magnanimous love healing, and not typecasting.

"Singer and mental-health campaigner Bressie, a friend of the family said: "This family seemed to have been abandoned and utterly betrayed by a system that has to be brought under serious and real scrutiny. In Ireland, we celebrate and promote the culture of alcohol but then use it against people when this vicious drug starts to take over their life. It really is not acceptable on any level".

All so-called medical professionals involved in the young man's case should be suspended immediately, case reviewed, then sacked. Never to work hands on with vulnerable people again and the health ministers should leave with them. Enough, the cost of life is too high!

Listen to what these academics have to say about the IAPT CBT system in the UK and the rest of Europe. Aaron Beck and what came out of Philadelphia. David Bowie was correct when he sung 'this is not America', so why do the English embrace American realities and Americanisms?

For the family of Caolite

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