
Saturday 16 January 2016

Efrem Epstein - Elijahs' Journey

Latest case in the news from Dublin.

Elijah's Journey Israel

Elijah's Journey America.

Efrem Epstein mentions an 'absence of Jewish resources for the prevention of suicide'.

Where was he looking for wisdom with understanding, in blood drenched America?

Jonathan gave an excellent speech about the IAPT CBT system that came from Aaron Beck in Philadelphia. Its also worth watching the IAPT CBT conference whereby the CBT therapists are asked to close their cases to increase their stats, due to so many cases remaining open. There has been another suicide in Dublin, (see link above), the suicides are increasing at an alarming rate. In the UK, people are being sent to see kids at colleges for help, that's what Cameron calls appropriate assistance. And if people refuse to do what Cameron says, then people are sanctioned by the job centres where CBT workers also work. Cost cutting and forcing people into therapy has cost a huge amount of lives. America has stared an organisation Elijah's Journey, as linked above.

Elijah's Journey in Israel are making a film about the suicide of their children in response to it.

Who supported Angels Healing Trust when we tried to raise money for healing centres specifically for depressed and suicidal children? Who cared enough and was compelled in 2000?

For five years of my life, I worked hard to get practical and financial support to help the children, the mission of compassion and mercy, who gave the mother of life their support?
Did you Israel, did you America? Did you England? How about after the work at Sure Start had been carried out, was that enough proof for you about the quality of the facilitation?

How about when physical health miracles were performed, was that enough proof of what an empowered miracle worker can achieve? For as it is written in the text, the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

As David Bowie sang, 'This is not America'. On his last album he sang about running to England's evergreens. Did he know that the liver being pierced was mentioned in Proverbs 7, is that why he held up the bible on his video? 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher, it was also the life number of Jesus who was also a spiritual teacher and mystical healer.

Some Jewish people don't like the mystical realities of the truth. I wonder how many Jewish healers and spiritual teachers that Efrem spoke to and embraced, did he speak to any at all? What depressed and suicidal people require is intensive care with healers and facilitators with love beyond measure.

David also made sure that he gave you this to remind you of what is written America.

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