
Saturday 16 January 2016

Remote Viewing - Remote Scanning

I only do remote viewing on request or one could say commissioned to do so. When I was offering it professionally for research purposes I called it remote scanning due to being more than a view. You can view something from afar, but to scan something you have to be in close, and especially when you are looking at serious health conditions.

Spiritual Path of Mashiach 

Artwork gifted to a sponsor in Holland 

So for instance I was contacted by a woman in a different country when a child had been taken into hospital in an emergency, I was told that the medics couldn't find the cause, although they knew that it was serious.

As soon as I received the email I carried out the remote scan and sent my report to the woman as fast as I could. Sadly, the child passed over before they received the information. However, the woman kindly contacted me afterwards, and confirmed that it was only after the child had passed over, and the autopsy had been done, that they found what I had written to her.

In those days, I had only just begun to do remote viewing for health purposes and as such I was reticent. However, as time went on with more and more cases that I was asked to engage with, and the accuracy was proven, the greater confidence I had in it. I was like that with everything that I did in life, I liked to have the proof of it, prior to putting my full weight behind it and interest in to it.

With the proof of the evidence that was found, I was then very confident in what was possible with remote scanning, and began healing during the sessions. It was a fascinating journey. I tape recorded each session in altered state, and afterwards, I would type up the report of the the findings, and the work that had been carried out; to send to the client with further recommendations with divine guidance that had been given.

I charged a minimal amount for the time involved, (at least 2 hours per session, that included typing up the report) as I viewed it as exploratory work at that time. Some people refer to themselves as medical intuitive's, but I haven't done any comparisons with them or with their work.

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