
Sunday 17 January 2016

Blue Bird Bowie Symbology

Some Americans have been asking about the symbology and meaning of the 'Blue Bird' in the song that David sung.  In my humble view it refers to the song sung by the Righteous Brothers when they sung about the bluebirds coming to England. In a different song, David also sung about running to the evergreens in England. He wasn't ready to go, reports say that the week prior he was excited about working on the songs for the follow up album.


That song meant so much, intensely,
and will do to people that know why he sung those words. 

Spiritual Path of Mashiach 

Original artwork gifted to a sponsor in Holland 

David has made contact and that means that he has risen, 
he has given the signature of English beer, 
the smell of Real Ale, his choice made me smile, a cosmic giggle.  
He gave it after I posted the orchestra's playing his music, 
and writing about the culture star.

You could say that he was saying, 'CHEERS!'. 
As his kinsmen and kinswomen would say in England when we have a drink together. 
In England, its also a way of saying 'Thank you'. 

After that I received the Ziggy Stardust dream, posted on this blog.

Its no coincidence that this is the 69th post in January, and David was 69 when he passed. 

A great article about his musical.

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