
Monday 11 January 2016


On the 3rd January, after the blond woman dream, after recording the dream on this blog. I went back to bed and I was given these words clearly. 'RED OAK'. I found a beautiful Australian flower and essence remedy. A location, Red Oak in Texas, and other locations in America, and the Red Oak Tree in the Americas. 

This evening I was compelled to look at the scriptures about the oak tree. 'The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory". Psalm 29:9. 

In the Jewish translation, 'While in His Sanctuary everyone declares 'Glory!'. That reminds me of when the Israelis saw the photograph that had been taken on the temple mount, in 2007, and the response that I received back from the healer in Israel was, 'Glory'. Great confirmation. Today he spoke of Tucson, while I was bathing, and while massaging the feet, he said, 'Yerushalayim', Yerushalayim' again. Italians stand with Israel. 

That song reminds me of the days when I used to work with ribbons, while comforting those that were brought.

Raindrops I can hear overhead, and tapping gently on the window pane, in the night like the sound of a kite in flight. Its time for yellow ribbons again, what a Godsend.

Prophet Isaiah also delivered a prophecy; 'To place for the mourners of  Zion - to give them glory instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a mantle of praise instead of a feeble spirit. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour. Isaiah 61:3 However, in the Jewish translation from chabad it is written as elm instead of oak. Maybe they are being corrected.

What's for dinner? Chicken casserole with pearl barley. Delicious.

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