
Monday 11 January 2016

Cameron 'Fascist Dictatorship'

I have to share with you that Cameron is about to double expenditure on relationship counselling at a time, when British counsellors, have been involved in the counselling of lives of people that have 'committed suicide'.

The origins of CBT is not British, it originated in America with Aaron Beck from Philadelphia.

The high incidence of 'crime' and its escalation in America; also shows us, that the UK should not be following America in such things as the personal lives of our people. Spiritual people in America didn't campaign against Aaron Beck and CBT.

So what do the academics say about IAPT and CBT in Europe? What do they say about CBT stats and privacy? I recommend that everyone that is concerned about expenditure in health, listen to this conference Limbus Challenging IAPT CBT.

Patrick said that they found that the elderly benefit more from massage than anything else and he supports a multi-disciplinary team that includes body workers. The holistic team, I agree with him. 

Would you like to know what CBT has to do with the new world order? He said, that the change has been like moving from a liberal democracy to a 'fascist dictatorship.' 'CBT has become a valuable tool for data mining and collection. As it is involved in both the NHS and DWP,  we know for a fact that it is infringing upon the UN privacy laws and Human Right of Consent. 

Goran from Sweden, these guys are challenging it all throughout Europe. Goran shares with us what has been going on in Europe. The competitiveness in the profession, the academic influences, government 'control' and he speaks of the 'distortion' that has happened in the field of treatment. 


In Del's presentation, he mentions the 'unmasking of political intentions', 'government control', that creates 'less freedom'. He shares with us that what is happening to 'Confidentiality is terrifying'. He refers to CBT as being a 'Factory system'. 

Jonathan, an American's view of it. 

So who does support IAPT CBT? The Mind Charity, and Geoff Hynes shares that 1 in 6 are 'attempting suicide' while waiting for NHS help. He then doesn't tell you how many do it after they receive IAPT CBT. As I've written before what the NHS, and DWP are involved in - is the 'Procurement of Suicide', and the sooner the health professionals and GP's wake up the better.

What else? In 2012, London issued guidelines that everyone with a long standing back issue, must be sent immediately for an MRI scan, how many years do you think you have to wait for that? When you remind your GP about the instructions from London, they then say that you have to have an assessment from healthy minds, and that then means, IAPT CBT referral in most cases. When you ask your GP why, he responds that the neurologist requires a report prior to giving the MRI scan. 

When I watched the CBT conference that was also an eye-opener - especially when they tell people to close cases to increase their stats! That is all that CBT is interested in, stats to meet Cameron's 'Fascist Dictatorship' to keep them in jobs and funding.

Do you know that people's lives are being put into the hands of kids that are studying counselling at local colleges? Do you know how fragile people are? A soul is like a flower that can be crushed in their hands. 

I was once serving people with spiritual guidance in 14 different countries in the 90's, and a lot of those people required guidance that CBT and the NHS cannot offer. Aaron Beck was a Freud man, and I come from a totally different perspective. Carl Jung and Freud went in opposite directions, because Jung understood the rite of passage and some of its initiations. Some people like myself, have also experienced high level initiations - and you won't find these initiations written about in medical text books. 

Over a decade ago, the MIND Charity in the UK, were given the opportunity to embrace spirituality once we had the cutting edge science to back it up. They supported the American reality instead, due to the politicians that are the 'bane of your life'. When you start digging into CBT and the people involved in it, you then begin to see the sheer numbers of people and organisations involved. DWP are also putting CBT people into job centres. 

There is no choice with IAPT CBT, if you refuse to sign away your privacy, then they tell you that no help will be given to you. That is what the academics mean by Cameron's 'fascist dictatorship' in the conference that they provided. The NHS and your health should be beyond politics, sadly, it isn't, the politicians have been determined to 'control' every aspect of your lives from cradle to grave.

Health as now become a big financial institution in the UK, and IAPT CBT support the pharmaceutical industry that most activists stand against. Its the pharmaceutical industry, the corporations, in bed with CBT against the people themselves and their very souls. Interesting that Jesus pre-warned about it and it is written in the texts. Prophet Isaiah also warned about people making all the fields one. 

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