
Monday 11 January 2016


'I don't have stylistic loyalty. That's why people perceive me changing all the time. But there is a real continuity in my subject matter. As an artist or artifice, I do believe I have more integrity than any one of my contemporaries'. David Bowie

What can one say about a superstar like David Bowie, a person with a unique voice that blew people's minds away with his style, look and different coloured eyes. His songs and his films, so much talent bestowed, a very private man that loved.

Oh land of Joseph we were blessed with Bowie Zion. We certainly knew when he had arrived on the rock scene - and so many young ones were inspired by him to be true to the self. A serious actor -professional musician. He certainly knew how to ride the crest of the new wave, and create new ones, with some of the very best people and talent in film and music.

Even more so that I received a dream on the 3rd January, 2015 and there were loads of young people being weird and wonderful, real characters, the show goes on, David.

In the video above he asked the audience to say, 'Hello Sailor' and when they did, he replied, 'You've made an old man very happy'. David always reminded me of my old English sheepdog, because she had different coloured eyes, and the old English sheepdog reminded me of David Bowie.

Glory instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, and a mantle of praise. Isaiah 61, Zion. It was in 2010 that one of his songs reached yours truly on a spiritual level, and I could hear the message that was delivered, David certainly delivered some powerful messages to his fans.

Our Londoner, David Bowie will always be remembered, may his family and friends be comforted by the light of our love for a being that really did change the world, although in his interviews he was so modest. This is a documentary of his life, if you are interested in the history.

From London to Sydney, to New York, he brought joy to many souls, its real to be unique and an individual on the stage of life. In this interview, he mentions the homeless, and how the politicians concentrate on abroad instead of our indigenous population at home. He was concerned for his people, and what was happening in the UK. He also speaks of the artists that he was friends with - and it includes John Lennon. Working class boys, from working class families, that shared truth together.

Zion defends in the power of magnanimous love beyond measure. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. So may you lift up your voices, lift up your compassionate and merciful hearts, and lift up your smiles, David's mission accomplished.

The serious actor chose his films very carefully indeed, he was very choosy, and he was very much awake, he delivered many messages to humanity.

In this film below, and the photography of his eyes, now in 2015, biometrics are into photographing your eyes for identification.

How do they get the photographs of your eyes in 2015? When you go to the opticians.

I was blessed to live closely to one of David's friends, and we even worked together for a little while.

When I was a teenager she helped me to get on track with my career in London, she was a spiritual woman with great love in her heart, very protective. I often wonder how she is - and whether she still lives where we did. In one of the American interviews David said, that he used to be a Tibetan Buddhist.

The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline, is true, and serious actors like David had to be disciplined in their art, whether it was for film or music. He guided many to help people to launch their careers in a challenging and inspiring way. Loved by so many on stage, screen and in the art world. He even did some theatre work with 'Elephant Man'. Multi-talented.

Tributes flood in from around the world for David Bowie.

David was born on the 8th January, the 'Day of Impact', and he passed over on the 10th January, the 'Day of Realistic Assessment'.  

He was born in the Chinese Year of the Fire Dog, and his North Node was Gemini, the communicator. His incarnation and soul journey this lifetime was a teacher of ethics, and how the truth of the spiritual law could be lived so that society could be improved in a practical way. [1]

He certainly turned his life around, in this Daily Mail article, you can see the lovely happy family pictures.

As David sung, 'May God's love be with you'. 

In one of his films he was a soldier. So let's put up the yellow ribbon for him.

The Daily Telegraph are correct, he was a 'CULTURE STAR'.

1. Jan Spiller, Astrology of the Soul.

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