
Tuesday 12 January 2016

David Jones Lazarus

A lot of people have been viewing the messages that David left for humanity so let us begin at the beginning with his stage name that is actually an American name. David was a big reader, and it is written that he took the name "Bowie' because he admired the American name after reading about James Bowie. He was a soldier, a Colonel, born in Kentucky and was prominent in the Texas Revolution. He lived, 1796-1836.

The power of a name and its impact on your life.

Russell Means Mandala 

Few have actually looked at what happened to Lazarus in a biblical reality. For the story is about what was done to him by others. That is often a reason that people become reclusive. Also the impact of what happened to John Lennon in NYC had a huge upon him. Another song about America and their love of 'Aliens'.

During his career he brought out a song called, 'I'm Afraid of Americans' and before his passing he was very concerned; about not being alive for his teenage daughter.

26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ Luke 16:26-28

It is written that David had his first heart attack in 2004, so its likely that he was put on medication after that. Medication from the pharmaceutical industry impacts on the liver. Known fact, maybe if he had moved to Italy permanently, he would still be alive today. Due to the fact that Italy is the most ecological country in Europe - due to the integrity of its farmers.


David looked incredibly healthy after he married his second wife, and his little girl was born, he was so happy that he had a daughter, it gave him a whole new lease of life, so what happened to his body after that? We know for a fact that 'stress' and 'trauma' can change DNA scientifically, so did he have any surgery after the baby was born?

In some of the interviews his face looks taught around his jaw line - and his muscles look odd. Did he have surgery, like so many others did in America? Did he try to stay young looking for his younger wife? Then in other photographs he looks bloated like he's been on steroids. Its written that he was mentally strong and physically fragile in the last year. 

I always thought he had two different eyes, but in the documentary his school friend said that they both had a punch up over a girl, David was lucky to keep his eye. Maybe that injury also impacted on his jaw later in life.

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