
Wednesday 13 January 2016


2010 I heard a David Bowie song, Major Tom, within weeks a beloved friend with the name of Michael passed over in America and he was a soldier born in South Africa.

All of his services had been cut off because he wasn't able to access his financial portfolio and no-one helped him, even though I pleaded with loads of people to do so, prior to and after hearing David's song.


On 3rd January, 2015, I had a dream of a party with lots of weird and wonderful people at it. After the dream I received the words clearly, 'RED OAK' and I found a location in Texas with that name. I was in a historic building and I wrote how the wood looked like English wood panelling. I found that the 'Red Oak Tree' was native to the Americas.

On the 10th January, it was reported that an Englishman, David Bowie has passed over with 'liver cancer.' David was from south of the river Thames, from Brixton and he was born in the year of the 'Fire Dog'. He signed his last email to Brian, Dawn.

'And when the south wind blows, you say, 'Its going to be hot', and it is'. Luke 12:55


David chose the name Bowie, from American history, from James Bowie, a soldier that was involved in the Texas Revolution. He also appeared in a film as a soldier. His beloved brother was a soldier and 'committed suicide', after the medics took him away. In the documentary about David's life, it was shared that his family had a history of having their family and children being taken away by the medics.

In those days soldiers were put into institutions, whereby these days, soldiers are allowed to live in the community and are helped with their post trauma. In those days, people being gay, people that didn't conform,  or were different were considered to be a case for the medics and the pharmaceutical industry.

In Victorian times healers did exist, in fact many wards are dedicated to Mary Seacole in England, Mary who helped the soldiers that had been involved in the Crimea war. She fed them, watered them, massaged them, and she showered her love upon them with her healing hands. She was very intuitive, and I would go as far as to say that she was clairvoyant. Her mother had a healing hotel and that is where she grew up in the Caribbean, although her dad was a Scot. Some people require intensive healing with more than one therapist working on them at the same time. Those facilities are simply not available in the 21st century, surely, people should be asking why not?

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