
Tuesday 8 December 2015

River Greta and Hansel

As I was coming out of sleep state this morning I was being given a message that parents should bring up their children better, and that they shouldn't give their children a mixed bag. As the children are not being prepared for life by their parents, as they should be. How many parents prepared their children for the flooding that has happened in this timeline?

Are you a 'climate denier' of what is happening to the climate? Did you receive a reality check when the UK was flooded so significantly? Did it bring reality to the fore to you, are you focussing on environmental concerns and preparing your children for all eventualities?

In the story of Hansel and Gretel, Hansel assured his sister that God would not forsake the children, and it was a swan of grace that carried the children across the expanse of water. Its a long time since Hansel and I were together on the lecture circuit, when I was delivering prophecies about the environment and what would happen. Spiritual people have been pre-warning people for decades in the UK. Although the non-spiritual didn't wish to hear it, or anything spiritual, environmental or about health.

On the 28th November 2015, I received a message, a message when I woke up, 'They will become lovers'.

I then went back to sleep, and I found myself in a supermarket. There was a woman that had her back to me dressed in black and white, the woman saw me, and just carried on walking. I smiled and went to wave at her, but my right arm wouldn't move, I couldn't raise my right arm up to wave to her. It became clear to me that I wasn't being allowed to wave - and the wave offering is biblical. After that there was news about Sinead O'Connor, in Ireland, and I am very pleased that she is in recovery.

However, supermarkets have been impacted upon in these floods in the UK, not only supermarkets, but all types of businesses, homes, and a hospital. So would it be appropriate to change the name of that river, bearing in mind its connection with the story of Hansel and Gretel? Its no coincidence that there is also the 'Gingerbread' charity for single parents and their families in the UK. And who is their president? Once a single parent mother, (since married) J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, living in Scotland, where there have also been floods.

Recently, 'Gingerbread' have campaigned against the government proposals for charging for the use of the Child Support Agency, and against cuts to the Legal Aid, proposed by the Welfare Reform Bill.

I listened to a documentary about a year in the life of J.K.Rowling that was made in 2007, where she spoke about her childhood and how 'traumatic' it was for her and her sister. Also how her mother wasn't able to raise her arm due to MS. The MS charity is also another charity that she has supported. It said that she had stopped writing 'Harry Potter' books. However, her legacy lives on in the books and also in the theme park in America. Is that the type of legacy that you would like to give to the children of the world, or, like Hansel were you fortunate to drink from the cup that Jesus brought to our children?

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