
Monday 7 December 2015


26th August, 2015, Ha'Shem spoke of 'YOSHOFAR'.

23rd October, 2015, I had a dream and this is what I shared on the internet at the time.

'This morning I was in semi-dream state, I was aware of what I was saying to a man that had come for some help. I was explaining a lot to him as he was wishing to change his life. And he was wishing to understand what was impacting upon himself and humanity. He was a thoughtful, caring and compassionate man and the area looked like my location. 

After we had spoken there was a different cameo in the dream. In the next cameo he asked me to look at a boat for him and when I saw the boat, it had a name written on it in caps. YOSHOFAR. 

I smiled immediately, as I recognised the name 'Yoshofar', because Ha'Shem had spoken of it in August, 2015. (See link above). I knew that the name had been given to me by the LORD, so I said, 'Yes, to the man, this is the boat'. Then the dream ended. I also shared that the man in the dream, looked like Jeremy Corbyn. 

In dream interpretation, a boat is significant. It can also be predictive of a new journey that prospers, a new adventure. If a man is indicated in your dream, it can mean that you have work to do with a man in your locality. The dream was showing that I had what he required prior to him making his decision on the direction that he will take. The man in the dream, required wisdom's advice, and that is why he came to ask for it prior to purchasing the boat. YOSHOFAR. 

1st December, 2015, I had another dream. I was talking to someone about what was going to happen, how it was coming to cities and towns in the countryside. Then I said, 'Now we will see who is prepared, and who is not'. 

Cumbria, IRELAND, Scotland etc etc

Did they build the ark when they were asked to do?

They've had a months rain in one go, and the rescue services, boats, and British army have been called up to assist with the rescue of thousands of people from the floods. Millions and millions of cost in damage, do humanity like the odds that are against them?

Do they feel overwhelmed, and that life is insurmountable? Remember this you cannot take the ancient books away from the mother of life, you must appreciate that they were gifted for a divine purpose, to reveal prophetic facts to help navigate this timeline. As Ha'Shem said, 'Mishnah'.

What does the name CUMbria have to do with my birth name, do you know?

More news updates; the Daily Mail have shared photographs of the book shop, the long boat that was taken away from its moorings, a donkey that was 'terrified' and rescued. Also a waterfall that hasn't had water gushing out of it for 200 years, its gushing now due to the rain.

It is written that some of the people that have been evacuated, won't be able to return to their homes for eight months. As I advised previously, it is going to be a long winter. This ecological event is very significant, and now people are focussed on the floods, instead of Christmas expenditure. Significant events like this bring reality to the fore, the weather of God is more powerful and stronger than humanity.

13 inches of rain in just 24 hours.

Significantly included in Isaiah 59, the timeline of the Islands.
'His glory, for distress will come like a river. The spirit of the LORD is wonderous in it'.
The timeline of the redeemer.

1 comment:

  1. A man prepared in his canoe.
