
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Over 50's ARISE UK

The Telegraph as reported that Philip Salter, Director of the Entrepreneurs Network as said that 'in recent years, the over 50's have gone from the smallest proportion of entrepreneurs to overtaking the 18-29 year olds.' 

Sometimes the over 50's start their own businesses due to redundancy (and DWP) have also been pushing people into starting their own businesses due to the lack of jobs available. 

Some people take early retirement and then invest their pensions into starting their own business, and there is a lot of self-funding happening due to many of the older generation having gained more liquid assets than the youngsters. Although many youngsters are turning to crowd-funding websites. 

It is also better to go into business with your own money, it reduces the risk factors when you start a small business, it also alleviates the financial concerns in the first couple of years. Cash in the business is essential for any start-up, even if you pay yourself the absolute minimum. When you start a business with your own money, the energy that is with you is far more positive. 

Ron Botham, one of the authors of the report said that 'it is also down to the fact that 50 to 65 year olds have had different work experiences from those in the generation before them.' 

I would add that some people also retire from business, and then start a different kind of business in a different market sector. 

The UK certainly has a lot of very experienced people, with a lot of business experience to offer. 

We have some exceptional talent in the UK, incredible creatives, amazing potential in many different market sectors. This generation were starting out when the UK became successful, we've been through two recessions, and people have certainly learned a lot along the way. 

However, it is crucial that people remember that 2015, is not 1975. This is a very different era, the 21st century was born in wisdom. If anyone that reads this blog would like some business advice - go ahead and ask. During my life I was a consultant to start up businesses and multi-national companies, I worked in London for 12 years, prior to running my own businesses after that. 

This morning he said, Ehyeh, Ehyeh 

1 comment:

  1. Matthew 10:13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.
