
Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Righteous One

Proverbs 21, 'The Righteous One takes note. When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous. The conduct of the innocent is upright and the simple gain wisdom. The righteous give without sparing, and a careful listener will testify successfully.

To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Whoever shut their ears to the cry of the poor, will also cry out and not be answered. Proverbs 21:13.

A person may think that their own ways are right but the LORD weighs the heart.

Did you see your heart being weighed on your spiritual journey of your soul's evolution and ascent?

What were you shown, and what did you see and experience?

This is what is what is happening to our people in the UK.

So if you give your consent to go for one of these assessments, they're saying that it is your responsibility what happens afterwards. We are fully aware that the assessments are 'procurement of suicide' for many people that have attended them. As the high figures of the people that have died afterwards testify.

The DWP have also been questioned on its exposure to 'Corporate Manslaughter' due to what has happened to patients. Check out Callum's List website. People are ready to take these DWP cases to the police for a full investigation.

These figures were published in the Guardian.

'The figures revealed that between December 2011 and February 2014, 50,580 recipients of ESA had died. Of this number, 2,380 – or 4.7% – had received a decision that they were fit for work. Many of these would have appealed the decision, a process that can take many months. Another 7,200 claimants had died after being awarded ESA and being placed in the separate work-related activity group – a category which identifies claimants who are unfit to work but may be able to return to work in the future."

On this website they provide a list of the people that died including those that took their own lives.

In this video three people testify to their experiences during their assessments.

In this video and ex-military doctor who carried out assessments, is in tears, as he shares the truth about what the government and the DWP are doing to the most vulnerable people in our society.

I commend the whistleblowers for coming forward and speaking the truth to help the poor - and those with ill-health.

The UN sent a reporter to the UK to investigate the 'bedroom tax', and the UN reporter stated that the government must stop what they are doing to the poor. After that, two judges in England overruled the government on the 'bedroom tax', yet, the councils and government have carried on doing what they introduced.

Now it is written in the Independent that the UN is sending another reporter due to the human rights of the people and how what the DWP is doing is impacting upon the people. The UN refer to it as 'human rights abuses'. Of course it is because we know for a fact in science that 'stress and trauma' changes DNA.

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