
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sweet Aftershave

Last night I had a whiff of a sweet smelling aftershave, and it wasn't a fragrance that I recognised. I did wonder who it was that has passed over. As it is clearly the signature of someone that I know or knows me. And I am compelled to post this for it.

What else do we have on aftershaves?

Apparently, some aftershaves have a chemical in it that triggers
the sex-hormones by activating the hypothalamus.

HaShem did say that they would cry, and he did tell me the reason why.
Prior to me having the dream of the 'tiger and the bear'.

'Whoever shut their ears to the cry of the poor,
will also cry out and not be answered'. Proverbs 21:13


Interesting that yogananda passed over before I was born.

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