
Tuesday 1 September 2015

River and Bears

If you remember my dream of the bear being in the river - there is now news of Russian bears being flooded by the river. 14 bears are sub-merged in water while in their cages. One might ask what are they doing in those cages in the Russian zoo?

Dream of Bears

The news report says that the bears are waiting to be rescued and the bear that I saw in the river was being rescued by a man. Its what happened afterwards that we should be concerned about, especially as the numeric of 14 can be found in scripture relating to Jacob and it is found again in Rev 14.

In the above video one of the bears died and they're trying to rescue the other 14.

Since 2012, I was compelled to spread the paint for the heads of bears and Rev 13 says that the Leopard as a the feet of a bear and speaks like a lion. Many of us came to the conclusion that it was Obama, although I was one of the first to see it, and be divinely guided with it.

Funny that in ancient times some of the Jewish priests thought that Jesus was the panther that would sneak up on the bears that God brings out.

That bear was in Connecticut, and the LORD as given Connecticut previously,
as featured on the archive blog. Now the thing is that prophecy also tells you that the LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

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