
Saturday 5 September 2015

Linseed Allergy

I've started to test the foods that I've been eating, due to an oral 'allergic reaction' from my body.

New foods that I have been including into my diet and I've discovered that I am allergic to the Linseeds that I have been adding to my breakfast. Be aware that some breads also contain linseeds, ever heard of burgenbread that has linseeds in it?

Soya and Linseed bread recipe

People have to seriously keep an eye on what they're eating as a food allergy can be very serious - especially if it impacts on the mouth.

Some of the other effects that linseeds can create for your body. My advice don't eat linseeds, I don't think they were meant to be eaten.

If you experience such an oral allergic reaction, take some 'anti-histamines' if you can swallow them, then call 111 immediately. If you have any other things going on with your body at the same time, you might have to ring 999 for emergency medical care.

I did wonder where the Linseeds might have come from in country of origin, and on the Wiki link there has been some 'problems with seeds that have come from Canada. Due to the fact that it was found that Canadian exports were contaminated by a de-registered GM, variety known as Triffid. 70% of flax produced in Canada is sent to Europe - and the EU has a zero tolerance policy regarding such a GMO.'

However, I try to ensure that I don't have any GMO at all. Although sometimes that is difficult when it finds its way into the European food chain.

Interesting that we also find the flax in the story of Sleeping Beauty. It is written that in the early tellings of the story, the princess pricks her finger not a spindle - but on a sliver of flax, which is later sucked out by her children conceived as she sleeps.

The capsules are described as looking like little apples. When I was at the dentist, the dental nurse mentioned putting apple juice in with my beetroot sauce to replace the spoonful of honey.

However, I don't like apple juice - I find it to be too acidic for my taste buds - although they do put some in some smoothies. I tend to make my own smoothies now, so that I know what is in it.

The fact that they look like little apples reminds me of the dream that I had in May when looking at a packet of what looked like little 'green apples'.  How they came in a packet, and you could either eat them or plant them and then they would grow. 

I had that dream in May 2015 - and I mentioned how the scientists have created that reality.

Mark's Daily Apple blog shares about the flax and cites some research studies.

What else was Linseed used for? I remember that when I was young, they used to put linseed oil on wooden fences as a preservative for the wood.

And it was around 2013 time, when Ha'Shem said, 'TAP ON WOOD'.

Another offering is that artists used the linseed oil to rinse the oil off of the artists brushes.

Then if we cross-reference with the prophecies in scripture - it mentions the flax in Isaiah 19, and it mentions Egypt and Assyria. You might like to consider that in relation to current events.

So I am now testing everything that I eat prior to eating it - and will only eat it when I get a yes. My diet changes from week to week depending on what my body requires. However, you don't require the linseeds that the body converts into Omega 3, fish oils are recommended instead. So I just had 2 cod liver oil capsules and some soft marinated herring. With difficulty I've tried to eat a tortilla, with basil, onions, cheese and some little potatoes.

Some Americans are also cleaning their teeth with bicarbonate of soda, and when I did an experiment with gold today, it sparkled. So I tested it again, and whether I could put that on my teeth, and it tested no. Although its hard to clean my teeth with anything - with this 'allergic reaction' that is on left side of my tongue.

So what have I done to counteract the 'allergic reaction' to the Linseeds? I've had some fennel seeds on my breakfast this morning, as I have found that fennel seeds have been very positive, and I received a yes to fennel seeds when they were tested. I shall also discuss it with the GP next week, if it hasn't gone by then.

Also I will see how I feel tomorrow, I might have to take some antibiotics, if there is nothing else that can be done to counteract it completely.

When we look at the origins of the name we find a link in Judaism to the law. The law is called, CHIKUM and it is written that it is beyond man's comprehension to comprehend it. It then cites the passage from the Proverb 31 and the woman of noble character, otherwise known as wisdom.

Since writing about this I have had a recall, and when I was born, my mother said that they tried to give her a different baby, but she knew which baby was hers. Not only did she know what I looked like, but she also knew the sound of my voice. Of course she would, she had carried me in her womb, just like I had carried my baby in my womb.

When he had been taken - so that I could rest - after giving birth, and I heard a baby crying in a room of babies. I got up and I went to get him, for I knew the sound of his voice, and the cry of my baby. He stayed with me and by my right side for the rest of the stay in maternity - that was about five days.

My purest intention of sharing this post about the 'allergic reaction' to 'Linseed' is to help and save many mums and their children, so that they don't have to experience what I have experienced on their behalf.

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