
Sunday 6 September 2015

Housing Dream

I had a dream of social housing in the UK, everyone had to move out - even pensioners were having to move out. The only conclusion that I could come to is that everything was being privatised. I saw a pensioner outside of her ground floor flat, packing up her wardrobe in cardboard for the removal man who was helping her.

Pensioners think they are safe in the UK, but they are not. They are dismantling the state of the nation, and the homes of the nation that the people paid for.

In the history of the nation 70% of the UK population lived in social housing. Most of the workers came from and lived in social housing communities.

On the importance of sharing dreams.

To dream of moving is an obstacle dream. If the move in your dream proceeded smoothly, which it did, it means that you will progress over the difficulties that are put in your path by others.

At the same time we have Emma Thompson, Bob Geldof come out in support of Syrian refugees that the West are bombing. Its a pity that they didn't come out for the homeless that are English in the years gone by. Did they put a roof over the heads of the homeless in England? How about Russell Brand that has defended the Muslims, he's gone on tour now and left the internet. What does he suggest the West do with millions of Muslims that would like to come to the UK, how and where does he propose to house all of them? You know people that have no interest in Western culture - that is the main reason that they wish to leave their own.

Do Emma, Bob and Russell know what the sacred is and what purity is? Why isn't Emma and Bob going after the governments that are co-creating the refugee situations? Do they even know what wisdom is - a tree of life and paths of peace?

Do they know the difference between the way of holiness, and the way of Muslims? Do they know what the secular has created for the poorest people of our nation? Do they know what the pensioners are going through, how about those disabled people that have had to go through medical assessments done by men and women that are employed to take their human rights away from the people that were born in this country? Yea, did you put the English first? Or is this nation still sending millions to other countries in foreign aid?

However, I did have some good news today about a couple, and they are moving. The relationship was blessed earlier in the year - after he took the tree of life in his arms. After that positive progress was made in his life and everything got moving. As it is written in Proverbs 3 - all of her paths are peace. May the couple live happily ever after in the location that they have chosen.

May the couple follow the divine guidance and counsel that was given for their work lives. The direction for them both to go into; due to it being suitable for their passion, health and love in their hearts. May their hearts be compelled to do what is right and to integrate the wisdom shared. May they learn about the way of holiness that has been shown to them, may they embrace it with all of their hearts - and liberate their love in the most powerful way possible. May they be dignified in all that they do - be merciful and love beyond measure in compassionate action.

What is happening in Africa? Women are building their own houses just as Prophet Isaiah predicted, that they would build houses together. No rent or mortgage, no property developers, just a little savings.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
    John 14:23 NIV
