
Sunday 6 September 2015

Linen and CHIKUM

When we looked at the origins of the word 'Linseed' the seeds that should not be eaten - it is about the Linen as mentioned in biblical prophecies.

Remember linen is worn and not eaten and it relates to the law in Judaism known as CHIKUM, and it is written that it is beyond man's comprehension to comprehend it. It then cites the passage from Proverbs 31, and the woman of noble character that made the crimson bed covering in cotton, and it speaks of her wisdom. Every single stitch by hand - and it took two years to make it - when I was in my 20's.

White linen in the book of Revelation is mentioned in connection with the angels and it was during the Rev 12 timeline that I saw my body being dressed by angels before me in a wedding dress with a veil.

White linen is symbolic of purity - and when you are dressed in white it is also symbolic of purity. Purity can come in different realities, but it is purity of intention and action that is most worthy on a spiritual level and in the spiritual law of Chikum. Remember that the spiritual kingdom was created before man - and so too was the spiritual law.

Its no coincidence the law of Chikum, includes my name in Hebrew, the first name that was put upon my birth certificate.

The 'flax' is mentioned in another biblical prophecy that mentions Egypt and Assyria, Isaiah 19. So you might like to consider that in light of current events.

Interesting that in the torah it speaks of the wool and the flax. You don't eat wool or cotton wool either do you? Wool is usually worn in the wintertime and linen in the summertime. So can you have winter and summer at the same time? How are the seasons changing impacting upon you? The Egyptians wear a lot of linen and cotton, as it is natural for them to do so in such hot weather.

There is a lot of cotton fabric that comes from Egypt. However, didn't some manufacturers start mixing pure cotton with other realities? How about the scientists what did they do to get better yields? What did they do to the crops in America? Didn't they genetically modify the seeds?

There are different seeds - make sure you eat the right ones! Otherwise you will manifest an allergic reaction that will impact on your health. Isaiah 19 indicates that exports from Egypt and Assyria will be banned. Why? It is written that Egypt has a 'permissive approach to GMO's'.

Is it too late for them to embrace that which is sacred, and that which is pure?

What does the prophecies say? Isaiah 18, 'This is what the LORD says to me: "I will remain quiet and will look on from my dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest'. 

And I received this message about the first fruits.

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