
Saturday 5 September 2015

Bicarbonate of Soda

For some people 'Bicarbonate of Soda' has been a trend for cleaning the teeth, particularly in America.

So I bought some - and today I did an experiment with some gold. After a few minutes of the golden ankh and chain being in the bicarb in water, the gold was sparkling.

I knew then that this had to be tested again, then when I tested it, whether I should use bicarbonate soda on my teeth. It was a NO!.

Be careful what advice you take on board, test everything, if you have a serious health condition, that you are working with to heal it - otherwise you can have an allergic reaction - if your body is sensitive to what you eat and or drink. That is why GP's and Dentists often ask you if you are allergic to anything.

I get an 'allergic reaction' if eat too much wheat ( and it impacts on my eye lids etc) - so I keep a keen eye on how much wheat that I eat and try to keep it to a minimum. However, in the last couple of days I began to experience a new 'allergic reaction' that I haven't had before, so now I have to test everything to find out what has co-created it.

I had been sharing about 'allergic reactions' prior to this experience of it, so it could be that I am picking up on it - and it is manifesting in me. It is more than possible that a child has an 'allergic reaction' - and I have to help to find the trigger point in the food intake. So now I begin a process of elimination of what the cause is by testing everything.

When I first heard David singing, I knew I had to have a copy of his CD - and I found a copy of it at Little Walsingham in Norfolk when we went on a mission to that lovely village known as England's Nazareth.

It was very useful when we required some voice and music for a funeral. As there were appropriate tracks on the CD for the incoming, during the ceremony and the outgoing. So it is a very useful and peaceful sound for different realities. David Meredith as such a beautiful voice.

The 5th of September is the 'Day of the Idealist' and today there is a shift in Venus, thank God.


I tested allergic to Linseeds.

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