
Friday 4 September 2015

First Fruits of Israel

I dosed off in the bath and as I was waking up I was being shown pictures and I received this message.

'Every time a revelation is fulfilled, the first fruits of Israel come'. 

I was pondering on the message and then quite awhile afterwards, I saw Assad of Syria.

Then after that I saw Cameron.

First fruits are mentioned in Proverbs 3 and the chapter is called, 'Wisdom bestows well-being'. 

The proverb is a message for the son about the wisdom of his mother and how she is a tree of life for those who take hold of her. The chapter also mentions the importance of health and well-being.

It also speaks of what she holds in her hands and that all of her paths are peace. The advice given is to stay close to her and keep her in his sight. The first thing my son did when he came through the door this evening - was to come and look for me - and I was just about to get out of the bath at that time. It is a fact that every time he is with me - when he listens and does what I say to him - he prospers.

So how does that relate to the first fruits? When he prospers from what was spoken and revealed to him, he then brings the fruits of his labours and replenishes his mother from his harvest; who gave him the wisdom that assisted him to make his gain in prosperity.

So why did I receive a message about the first fruits today? Maybe because its shabbat, the 4th September is the 'Day of the Builder'.

It also reminds us of the Rebbe dream.

Interesting that in ancient Greece the first fruits were given to the goddess temple - and its also a feminine reality in Judaism. In classical Greece it was called an 'offering of aparche' and it was to pay for the upkeep. On-line you will find that the Greek word 'aparche' means 'first fruits' so you can view it in terms of success - when people have gained success from the wisdom of the feminine that has been given divinely by the divine instrument of God's will and instructions. 

Hence the fruit from the harvest that is given - is as an appreciation for that which was given to the son by his mother - that was the divine instrument for the revelation. Another instance would be that after the blossom flew off the trees in 2005, the fruit comes next. Well after receiving that divine revelation and sharing it, after that came the inheritance.

So when did I first start sharing about Syria? It was around 2010-2011 time - and after what happened in Libya. I had also shared information about Libya prior to it happening. However, how far that information was spread at that time is hard to say. Certainly, not enough people acted quickly enough in response to it. American and European men were too busy fighting the divine feminine - instead of embracing what was being shared to stop the war!

Tonight my son gave me one of those cookies and it has an excellent message:

 'Don't just spend time, invest it'. 

I think I shall write that on his computer tomorrow.

Yesterday when sharing the message received about a man asking for forgiveness, then receiving the smell of the cream, while the post was written, it included this statement; 'you can't wrap that much love up in a basket or a hamper that was given often.' Now this video was selected for my viewing and it includes a film of Mary in a basket.

'The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom and their tongues speak what is just' Proverbs' 37:30 

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