
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Genome Editing Ethics Debate

'Leading UK research funders are calling for an urgent national debate on the ethics of genetically modifying human embryos and other tissues to prevent serious diseases.
The plea has been prompted by scientists’ rapid progress in developing a powerful tool called genome editing, which has the potential to transform the treatment of genetic conditions by rewriting the DNA code of affected cells.'
Whenever scientists start to change what was naturally created - history shows us that it always backfires upon humanity. GM food in North America is a perfect example of that and that is why many countries have banned GM food and that which comes from Monsanto and North America. 
However, its not just about the 'Genome Editing' and 'Designer Babies' is it? 
Its more than that, its about the ethics of scientists putting a foetus in a petri dish for their experiments. You might ask where did they get those foetus from, and who donated them, or did the scientists pay for those foetus from the mothers that conceived those babies? 
Do scientists doing the research work on the embryos have any comprehension of the fact that a soul arrives at the point of conception, so when you are editing the genome you are also impacting on the soul? Memories that will be carried into a different lifetime!
Dr Ursula Anderson wrote a book called, 'Taking out the violence', on the back cover of her book it is written, 'we are rapidly moving into knowledge about the roles of memory and consciousness and their energies in human behaviour. Thus the time is right to engage general awareness about how they play relentlessly into every function and dysfunction of body, mind and soul'. 
Are you aware that a single cell can live outside of the body for a month? What do you think keeps that soul alive? When you know that - then we can have a debate with scientists about what they're doing and how it relates to the spiritual law of the cosmos.
I was told divinely many years ago that there will be a new branch of physics. It has been on the horizon for a long time, and I can feel it getting closer and closer. 

The Righteous One takes note! 

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