
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Suicide and Love

Suicide is in the news again and in this report on the latest research, it mentions the Michael Mansfield QC, 'whose daughter Anna took her own life earlier this year, said her death came "out of the blue". He said she had two children and a successful career, and no one suspected she was at risk of suicide'.

After all these decades they're still trying to understand it, yet in all of the news reports, and all of the research studies, where is the mention of the word 'LOVE' ?

Even the 'corporate manslaughter' that the DWP has been involved in with the disabled, we should ask where is the love, where is the compassion and where is the mercy? In the cases of people that I knew, that tried to commit suicide, or were discussing doing it, a major factor was the love.

In the case of the family of Michael Mansfield QC what do we see? We see a report that the man was a QC and QC's tend to be buried in their work - burning the midnight oil due to the cases that they work on. The QC is known as 'Mansfield Moneybags' and in this article it mentions that he has been involved in an incident this summer due to 'domestic assault'.

The QC is also referred to as the 'Champagne socialist' and he admitted the 95% of this work was funded by legal aid. No coincidence then that there has been huge cuts in legal aid that has traditionally helped to defend the poor.

When Mansfield speaks of his daughter he speaks of her in terms of her success in her career. Is that what mattered to the QC the most? Do people think that a successful career is enough to keep a person on this planet? I note that he is an animals rights activist, and vegetarian as well, maybe the ideals of the QC were too much for Anna, and what she really required was his time and love.

Some children require more love than other children, some children have special requirements; due to when and why they were born on the planet. Some children are self-sufficient and some are not until they become so. Some children are later developers emotionally, and that can also have a huge impact  on their state of being.

Hence, love beyond measure is essential in every case, and that can be implemented in many different ways. Although the way of holiness is the most beneficial in long term sustainability of the being, in perfect peace. Humanity still do not have appropriate holistic facilities to help people that feel what they do about living on this planet.

We still do not have intensive care paid for by the 'champagne socialists' for those that require the love. People like Richard Branson are too busy investing in trains, planes and rockets, instead of being investors in people, and Jesus does like a return on his investment; in the healing talents and spiritual gifts bestowed.

The Righteous take note!

James mentions the first fruits, my dear brothers and sisters, take note of this. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires! James 1: 18-20.

However, sometimes righteousness can be like a volcano erupting when a person has been pushed to the limits of their physical endurance. Even Mother Earth as her limits and so does God.

A woman asked me 'Are you angry?', I replied, 'no, I am righteous'.

How many health professionals know how to liberate the love? How about the QC's? How many of them even know what real love is? Have any of them touched divine love in manifestation on the earth plane? How many became it due to liberating it? How many know it truly in their hearts, how many have lived it?

'We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard,
so that we do not drift away' Hebrews 2:1

No coincidence then that the Son of Joseph gave his two children the same initials in their birth names and in Hebrew it means 'Must Have'.

And in the verse of the day, it is written,
'Start children off the way they should go,
and even when they are old,
they shall not turn from it'. Proverbs 22:6

After the Son of Joseph passed over, he said, 'Forget me not'.

How could anyone ever forget his love beyond measure?

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