
Wednesday 2 September 2015


This is an excellent article from Dr Shane McCorristine asking "Why don't people talk about their dreams?'. The article includes the power of dreams and the history of dreams in the UK.

What changed and why did people stop viewing their dreams as being prophetic, and about future events that did in fact happen. He cites actual cases that were discussed with police, coroners and judges, cases that were recorded and that provided an incredible archive.

He shares with us why it is that working-class people in the UK stopped viewing their dreams as relating to external events, and what impacted upon what he calls a 'pragmatic approach to risk management'.

Shane puts the responsibility for the shift and change firmly into the lap of the 'Freudian model', and the emerging 20th century views of neurology and psychology that impacted upon how the people viewed dreams and what they convey and why!

He writes about how it was due to the secularists in the 20th century that dreams as external messages no longer made commonsense by the mid-20th century.

However, it has been proven prior to and afterwards that dreams can manifest important information and forewarnings to prepare people in advance of life conditions that can and does impact upon humanity. That is why - I record my dreams and share any information that could relate to those dreams to include interpretation of such.

Of course, not everyone gave up on dreams, and a lot of books on dream interpretation was published in the 70's onwards. I've certainly had a dream book since the late 70's, and it is one of the books that my son picks up the most. He began picking it up in his early teenage age years, when he began to knowingly experience dreams.

In interpretation of dreams, it does help if you have a conscious awareness of spiritual symbology and its meanings and sometimes its a good idea to cross-reference your dream interpretation with spiritual symbology. Due to Spirit often communicating via symbology.

Of course there are some dreams that relate to your healing process and there are some dreams that relate to good news and new opportunities that are coming. The more consciously aware you are of the different types of dreams, so that you can differentiate between them, the greater the clarity that you have about their meaning to you and to humanity. Sometimes they bring messages for you, or your family, and sometimes they are for a particular country or nation.

Sometimes people tell me about their dreams and they are clearly a message for humanity. Although not everyone is either brave enough or have enough courage to share them. Although at the 'Millennium Prophecy' lectures that I gave in the UK in the 90's, many people did come forth to share what they had received as far as floods in the UK.

So many people had dreamt of floods, it was incredible to receive such amazing feedback and confirmation of what I already knew to be true. I think those that attended those lectures also found it healthy for them, that they had been provided with the opportunity to share the dreams that they had received; due to what they had received having worth to those that had the ears to hear, and the heart to understand.

Its always important to keep an open mind and heart on such things as dreams, as the word unfolds, so can dreams. Sometimes dreams are prophetic visions, and sometimes dreams bring people for healing to healers, some are dreams that manifest quickly, some are more long term.

A secular friend did share a dream with me prior to the election in the UK, and her dream was true, it did relate to a specific person with a specific origin of birth, that would be going to London. I gave her a complete explanation of the dream that she had received - to put her mind at rest about the dream that she had.

As this was the first dream that she was consciously aware of - and she didn't like the first dream. So it was important to reassure her - to help her to gain confidence in such a reality as having dreams.

Why is confidence in dreams important?  The day could come when a dream could save her life.

The righteous certainly take note of their dreams. One of the most interesting experiences that I had in 2007, I had been catapulted back in time to witness history, and I was shown what happened in Israel, and who was responsible for all those people that died in Jerusalem. I knew that certain people escaped the 'carnage',  because they were nowhere to be seen in what I was being shown.

I was actually there - in it, and it was like being in a film. I knew that this was more than just a dream, this was divine information that impacted upon history that was being shown to me.

Then while I was in Israel I shared what I had experienced with Israeli's, then on my return from Israel, there was a news report on what had been discovered - an underground escape route out of the ancient city of Jerusalem. The historic experience was then confirmed as truth due to news of the archaeological discovery,  and the righteous one took note of it again.

In my humble view, IMHV, it wasn't the first time that escape route had been used, due to the mystics and scribes leaving the ancient city, prior to what happened to the people in Jerusalem. Many of the true mystics, scribes and healers went to Qumran prior to the arrival of Jesus, and most of them were from the prophet school of Isaiah that is why they had the well-known 'Copper Scroll'.

When they saw the writing was on the wall in 150BC, and that there was a plan by the Rabbi's to close down the prophet schools throughout the middle east. They did what they could, and took what they could of the ancient scrolls.

Some people are now saying that Qumran was created during the time of Jesus, and that he was the teacher of righteousness. However, Qumran has already been dated to somewhere between 150-100BC and that makes a lot of sense, because some biblical scholars know that the prophet schools were closed down in 100BC.

The biggest clue for archaeologists and historians is the name of QUMRAN. Was the West Bank always so arid? I don't think so due to the fact that mystics like to be in nature that is fertile with nature.

The scrolls also speak of a woman that would come and how they must accept correction from her. No coincidence then that in the NT it mentions how Jesus accepted correction from a woman. And that should always be a reminder to man and to Christians about wisdom. For as it is written the spiritual kingdom was created before man, and God loves the gates of Zion, more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

So whether you know her as ELI ZIYYON, or whether you know her as ELIJAH ELIAKIM, whether you know her in her nature of enlightenment of Lotus Feet. Know this God knows her, and God called her and summoned her as the prophecies predicted he would in the last days of the end times.

As HaShem said, 'Yoshofar'

He gave David a person with integrity of heart, to help many others on their journey with the transformation of the planet. A transformation that is happening so fast, few can keep up with it, the unsurpassed.

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