
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Capricorn North Node Children

Children that are born with a Capricorn North Node have difficulty with listening, and their greatest challenge to overcome in their lifetime is to listen to others. These children are late developers emotionally, as the goat goes sideways up the mountain, so they will always do things differently to other children.

When parents are speaking to a Capricorn North Node soul, then that child can simply switch off, these souls cannot be mastered in a way parents have mastered children in the past. Due to these children having an incredibly strong will. As Jan Spiller, author of 'Astrology of the Soul' shares with us, these souls have had many past lives of being in charge, being head of the household, and they've also been farmers and owned farms. As such, these children do not take the advice of others on board easily, as such, a way as to be found to reach their hearts, ears and soul. These children are at their happiest in the freedom of nature and the natural environment.

Devoted parents do find a way to communicate with these children that is empowering for the child. Although there is more divine help that can be given, as it isn't just about communication and how parents communicate with a child. Its important that the child is given what that child most requires based upon their north node, that provides us with information about their soul journey on the planet.

Due to these children being late developers emotionally, some don't mature emotionally until they reach their 40's, it does put these children in a vulnerable situation; due to their emotions that they have to learn to overcome during the lifetime on the planet. Once they overcome the reality of emotion that impacts upon them adversely, then they can soar on a spiritual level, and indeed they do when they are shown the way of holiness.

Of course, if the correct techniques, spiritual practices and exercises are given to the child to help them with their overcoming of their emotions; and to understand why they do what they do, or think what they think, then these souls can experience a far more rapid ascent at a much younger age in the 21st century. As spiritual parents especially; are far more equipped to help these children and their progress with the correct disciplines that have been imparted; and these children usually love music and dance for their self-expression.

An understanding of their soul journey as to be reached, otherwise they can become unpopular due to people tiring of their presence and that which they share about themselves. These children require a lot of attention, and a huge amount of love, as they can have the tendency to make mountains out of molehills; until such time as they are open to listening, and mature emotionally and spiritually.

If and when a soul of this nature is 'troubled emotionally' or physically concerned by the circumstances that it finds itself in, they can focus on that on a very deep level for a very long time. Viv Williamson from Sun Essences in the UK, referred to heather people as 'obsessive', although what they are actually trying to do; is understand why they feel what they do about what others are saying to them.

We have to share with children as they grow, how to process that, and what they are feeling into a positive, we have to help them to turn it around, so that it is much easier for them during their lives on the planet. We have to empower the children to build their physical strength, and confidence in themselves, and offer appropriate ways that are tailored specifically to the child and its personality.

These children are often viewed as being self-centred due to their soul journey, that includes self-preservation, and they can live in their own little world, when they don't like the world of others. It is time for people to comprehend the importance of self-disclosure, because children with this north node live it in amazing ways.

They do have a special mission on the planet that relates to the intake and its impact on children, so learning about anatomy, nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, flowers essences and foods for healing is ideal for these children. Their north node is also in the 10th house, and that is also about career and their divine mission on the planet.

Goats milk should also be investigated, and they usually like yoghurt, feta cheese, olives and Greek salads. Lemon juice is also excellent for their brains, and when I was a child my parents thought that I was strange when I sucked lemons, pickled onions, and gherkins. However, the soul knew what the body required instinctively and intuitively. The soul with this north node, is in tune with its bodily language, and how the body communicates with its soul. Then the soul responds accordingly.

Otherwise, they can have a tendency to escape from realities that they don't like, so for instance, these souls will run away from parents, if they find that parents are too demanding of them. They will run from realities that they don't like, and they will run to realities where they feel safe, secure and loved beyond measure. With the 10th house, there is a particularly strong relationship with the father figure and so you can find that a child runs from its mother to its father, when and if the child requires it.

This also impacts on their relationships due to their requirements, relationships with parents can be difficult for them; due to these souls having been born into a karmic family. And due to family situations they can often run in the opposite direction. The same can happen with friends and relationships; if people put too many demands on them. They have to be allowed to be who they are, and they have to be understood why they are, the way that they are.

So for instance if they were in a relationship with a man and he chose money instead of love, they will always remember it on a soul level, and that will impact on the relationships that they allow themselves to get involved with afterwards and how they view money.

Love is so very important to the souls of these children - it overrides everything, and that is why these children have to be allowed to do what they love - as much as possible.

If these souls don't like what parents, family, friends or colleagues are saying to them, or they don't like what food is being given to them, it will impact upon their behaviour, and it can create eating disorders. They are incredibly sensitive, empaths, intuitive, and the soul knows what is correct for them, and what food is not.

When they are babies, food is their only defence against those that try to force them to eat something that they know on a soul level isn't right for them. Food is obviously very powerful for these souls, due to their past lives as farmers. So you could find that it is food that triggers these children, and food is a trigger point for many children.

In one of the soul retrieval studies that I did, it was found that a woman who had been 'raped' in a field of wheat, carried that memory forth from that past life, and it co-created a wheat allergy in this lifetime.

These souls tend to be choosy about what they eat and when they eat. Although they do enjoy food very much, they also enjoy cooking food, and creative cooking. This soul has to be master of their food intake, they have to be allowed to be the decision maker in what they eat and when. That can also apply to what they drink. So for instance, my soul is refusing water from the tap, because I know whats in it, when I look at it.

They're known to be 'poor listeners' and that is why many of these souls have difficulty with academia and school until such time as that challenge as been overcome. Some never embrace education in the way that parents would like them to; due to many being considered to be ADD and being wired differently to other children. So social engineering by academia simply doesn't work with these children that use more of their brains than others do.

These children like being given jobs to do, and they are brilliant at project work when they are allowed to put their own initiative and creativity into the project. They take to work like ducks to water, and the work ethic is usually a good one with children with this north node due to their natural talents they they are born with. In fact, they are born leaders and pioneers and its essential that they are allowed to express why they were born, and what they've come to do.

It can take a long time for these children to accept themselves, and for others to understand them due to their nature or not being like other children. Acceptance of others realities can also be a challenge for north node capricorns while they are growing up, and in relationships they can attract people due to their uniqueness and powerful leadership qualities.

People are often attracted to these people due to the way these people look, when in fact, these people wish to be understood more than anything else. They are sociable and they like to work in creative teams on projects, they like to be in a team that works on projects together. They are great inspirers  for people that are creative, and great motivators. They have a lot to offer humanity, when humanity is open to accept what they have to offer, and what their lives have brought to help humanity with its journey.

They can also talk constantly when they are little, as my mother said to yours truly, you didn't talk until you were two years old, but once you started, you never stopped. Is that true? I remember years of just sitting in the silence of my perfect peace, in my own little world being peaceful.

I remember the years of roaming in peacefulness of nature, and my parents coming to look for me. I remember just being happy being in my own energy, and the energy of nature. I could walk for hours in aloneness with God. Aloneness was a happy time for this soul, a peaceful time, perfect peace.

So what can be done to help these souls that were born with this north node? Today, I was compelled to look at what a child requires, due to him having a Capricorn North Node journey. The flower essence that was given is HEATHER and it is a powerful flower essence that can help the child to improve its listening skills, and to provide him with the strength, confidence and willingness that it requires to embrace the help his parents are doing their utmost to integrate.

Also interesting that HEATHER relates to gypsies and the child would definitely have past lives as being a gypsy, being in freedom on the land. Scientists have also discovered that some gypsies have the same DNA as Jewish people, and are in fact Jews.

HEATHER is incredibly important for these children that were born with that north node, the gypsies didn't just give the heather to people for good luck, they were in fact, asking people to listen to that which is important for their survival on the planet; because sometimes it is hard to keep these souls on the planet, due to what they don't like about it. The gypsy travellers that gave the heather, gave an incredibly important message about the children.

In the UK, we usually associate heather with Scotland, and or gypsies. However, in Austrian medicine it was given to people for their kidneys and urinary tract. And kidneys are certainly an aspect of this north node due to kidneys being about the 'shen of life', and fresh celery is excellent for kidneys to detoxify the kidneys of any emotions or memories that can get lodged there to do with life and how it is lived. Not only the kidneys because parental influence and how parents respond to the child, can also impact on the gall bladder. 

So for instance I experienced some gall bladder issues in my 20's, and I experienced some kidney issues during the Rev 12 timeline at the beginning of menopause; when my hormones were all changing in the body. Physically, children grow at an incredible rate, so it is essential that their requirements are met at each phase of their development. 

And remember this that the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25 and that is why, I predicted that the earliest age that I would marry would be at the age of 25. As I knew by then, I would've had an opportunity to explore life experience, and would be ready to settle into a match that felt as right as it possibly could be. A match that was peaceful, gentle, tender, and intelligent. 

So with north node children keep an eye on those kidneys, and what they deem to be important about life. For some children will view it - that what really matters to them, is different to what really matters to their parents. Past lives in Scotland for sure, and because of their past lives in Scotland, these children are most suited to a sunny climate.

The first essence the child was given was elderflower, and that is also a good juice for these children if they will accept it. The child likes taking flower essences and on a soul level, the child knows that the flower essences are doing it good.

Children that I have worked with, have always been happy to drink their flower essences.

The righteous one takes note!

My son has a different north node, his soul journey is Cancer North Node, and he is a double Aquarian, but what this mother used to say to him when he was a child was this. 'Patience is a virtue and it is something that you must learn' and now he is one of the most patient people that I know. He has patience beyond measure, say it enough times, and eventually they will hear it - and it will get through.

The one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper, and there is nothing more wonderful than to cherish a child, and the children that are brought to us for help.

When you love, you listen to what the child has to say, and what the child is showing you. When you love - the requirements of the child are more important than yours. I remember one night I listened to a man for most of the night, until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

So listening was certainly integrated in my own life journey, and I always liked to listen to what other people were sharing, as dialog is imperative to understanding each other. Its when that dialog stops in relationships; that you know that a relationship is on the edge of the precipice. So keep on talking, keep on sharing, keep on giving until you reach an agreement between you.

And the next time that you see a woman offering you heather, you can smile and accept the message that has been delivered. For what is the worth of the heather to you?

Interesting that it was Dr Bach that found the importance of the Heather in Norfolk, England, and he chose to work with the plants that grew naturally in the environment where he did his research. However, those that took over the Dr Bach company, don't make the essences by hand, like Viv Williamson does from Sun Essences in Norfolk.

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