
Monday 10 August 2015


Last night while I was cooking lentil burgers, I was thinking about China and Obama and then HaShem spoke and he said, TAMILS'. The Tamils speak of what has been happening in Sri Lanka and why they are being driven out of their country. Australia isn't accepting refugees anymore, and I saw today, that the EU is also putting restrictions on people receiving re-entry permission to African refugees.

It has been decided by the EU that only one in 30 will be allowed to stay in the EU.  That's an interesting numeric bearing in mind the spiritual law.

The tamils have been called the 'Tamil Tigers' and the people say that they're trying to reduce the tamil population in Sri Lanka. Interesting that there is a biblical prophecy about the 'Four Horns', and the 'Four Craftsmen', and America has brought out a film called the 'Fantastic Four' in 2015.

What is really happening to these people and why? 

What are the Tamils saying?

In the description of this video it mentions the Buddhism. 'Buddhism is a result of a single man's pursuit of salvation against miseries of life', and the video shares with you that to the Tamils it is about enlightenment.

This Tamil man as cross referenced with the bible in the context of his spirituality, and he included in the description of this video, 'As per the Story of Lamech in the bible, he had two wives named Adha and Zilla and they together had four children. Each one of the four children specialized in a different craft each.' 

That then reminds us of the 'Four Horns, and Four Craftsmen' prophecy, that mentions how the people of God were scattered. It looks like it is to do with people that came from this culture that impacted upon Judah, Israel and Jerusalem. 

People from Sri Lanka certainly impacted on my reality, and the reality of my son that impacted on our lives and work. So I am not surprised that Jerusalem is mentioned in the biblical prophecy about the 'Four Horns, Four Craftsmen'.

Interesting that they also have a mother goddess that is associated with the rain, as Elijah is associated with the rain, both stopping it and starting it. The mother goddess being the healer with healing foods to cure what ails humanity with their health. Her name is very similar to Mary, and there is a place in her honour on Mount Carmel, in the same place as Elijah. The Bahai's also have their international headquarters on Mount Carmel, its a beautiful place. 

In the video made by the Tamil,  he as put the TAO symbol in black and white. When in actual fact, the symbol of the TAO was changed 3,500 years ago. Originally, the TAO was a symbol with two fishes swimming head to tail in harmony, male and female together, and the perfect balance of the two energies in the sphere. 

In Israel, the archaeologists found an ancient mosiac with what I am sharing, and it is also been found in mosiacs from Ancient Greece and other cultures. In TAO spirituality, you also find that the Tao Peach only comes once every 3,500 years to correct humanity to ensure that people take the right steps on the correct path. In 2003, the planetary configuration created the 'Star of David' in the heavens, and that hadn't happened for 3,500 years either. It indicated that great change was going to happen on the planet.

Earlier today, I was watching a video and so much is changing in that even scientists cannot keep up with the energy levels. However, its important to note that earthquakes have increased by 400% since 1973. I remember when HaShem spoke of 9.73 and how that was most important. I've kept my eyes open for that 9.73 ever since. 

Its interesting that the biblical prophecy about Obama, when the numbers were added up from Rev 13, I found that it meant 'Striving to destroy spirituality'. There is a difference in correction that helps to raise up spirituality, and that which aims to destroy it, like the Churches have done amongst the indigenous populations ever since its arrival with Rome. Native American spirituality having the right to exist, although members of the Church still do not give enough help to the first nation, as they were commanded to do. 

That then brings me back to the vision of the native, that was wearing a ceremonial military red jacket, and I found there was an Indian that had the name of 'Red Jacket'. He gave many warnings to the American people, and now the ocean is blood red in America, from California to Alaska and California is on fire.

In addition to Planned Parenthood and its genocide, Jesus was correct when he spoke of the crucifixion of the Church all those years ago, and the fact that the Church would be crucified due to what it had done.

He also spoke of the genocide that was coming upon the Church after Benedict was elected. All these predictions were shared with the righteous, his holy ones, years in advance, to prepare them for what was coming to be. 

In the spirituality of the Tamils, the mother goddess Mariamman is carried in a beautifully decorated chariot, and drawn by two lions. Interesting that the chariot is also associated with Elijah going up to heaven, and Kuan Yin also likes to sit upon her lions that can be found in Feng Shui as Lion Dogs.

The temple dogs that defended the temples in Tibet, and the dogs licked it as featured in the scriptures and lived by yours truly. Dogs are very powerful healers. 

In Maria we have the female aspect of the Lord and in the oldest Christian scripture it speaks of how all of the companions and followers of Jesus, his holy healers, were referred to as prophets, priests and Lords.

No surprise then that when they made the 'Sound of Music', the name Maria appears again as the governor that came to help the children, and Elijah's mission with the children continues in Elijah's Journey in Israel.

When I was in Israel, I did notice that some people were very interested in Indian spirituality, and Indian spirituality has been found to be included in the biblical scriptures. In relation to right conduct, divine conduct. We also find USHA in Israeli spirituality, and in India that is to do with the consciousness of divine truth, although it had a very important influence in the ancient culture of Israel as far as the divine court is concerned.

For it is in the divine court that the divine judges are, and the book of Revelation also mentions the judges around the throne. If my memory serves me well, the Gabriel Stone that mentions David also mentions the judges, the one, two, three and 40 prophets, and the daughter. As we know, David as passed over in 2013.

Indian spirituality was promoted in America by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, and a close aide from her organisation suddenly arrived in my life and location in 2003. He did his utmost to defend his reality amongst spiritual people due to the fact that the wondrous woman from heaven was in that location.  It was a clear indication that Rev 12 had begun. The Rev 12 timeline ended in December 2008 and it did overlap with Micah 4 when I was sent to the USA to warn Americans about Obama.

Biblical prophecy was against Elizabeth Claire Prophet and her followers and what they did, as predicted in the book of Revelation. She was warned to stay a widow after her partner passed over, and not to remarry. Prophecy predicted that her children would be struck (spiritually) dead. This is a video of her Son and he mentions the fact that he is an 'atheist'. So the prophecy definitely manifested in him.

His mother carried on doing what she was doing with the decrees, and married again and again, and she did like to surround herself in flowers. There were many law suits filed in America against her organisation. The American woman passed over in 2009, in the same year that Hillary Clinton had an accident that fractured her arm.

The fractured arm of Hilary Clinton can also be found included in the MOAB biblical prophecies; and America developed the M.O.A.B. bomb, and it is called the 'Mother of all Bombs'.

Also interesting that we can see the seven hills in Montana where ECP had her ranch, and the seven hills also appears in biblical prophecy. ECP told her followers to build bunkers and buy guns, (in opposition to what it says about firearms in Micah 4) and a thorough investigation should be carried out into the affairs of that organisation internationally.

I do know what happened in the UK, as I received a confession from the person that said he had created that charity.  He was there at the beginning of it and at that end of it. However, in how many other countries did it happen in, and how much money is involved internationally? If I remember correctly, they had people in around 50 different countries working for them.

American intellectuals are now saying that America is the greatest threat to world peace due to what it is doing with nuclear energy, and that brings us back to the start of this post, and why I was thinking about China and Obama. When Obama took office, the first thing that he did was bomb Pakistan, he came into political office with a bang, and he is bound to leave with a bang!

UPDATE Tuesday 11th August, 2015.

Another goddess mentioned in Indian spirituality is Kali - and I've just seen this. It does not bode well for America.

The advice being that if you leave the country of America, don't go back. Blood red ocean, Yellow rivers in America, Kali images and the messages are everywhere. I'm glad that England got the Gandhi bronze instead of Kali energy. At least Gandhi lived in harmony with the spiritual law, and the promise of bronze was predicted in the biblical prophecies.

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