
Sunday 9 August 2015

Bobby Brown -v- Nick Gordon

When the French Christians came to give their apologies to the Jewish people, and pray to the LORD Almighty, for his forgiveness (on Mount Carmel in the location of Elijah while I was on the mountain with Israeli's) in May 2006. Atonement on that mountain was very powerful, due to the sheer love in their hearts that compelled the French to do what they did for the Jewish people and Israel.

My view is this, based upon life experience, the atonement - that enables the return can be a very powerful experience; when it is done in pure intention with the utmost attention in fulfilling the will of God. It is love that compels the heart - and when your heart is compelled by love everything can be overcome in the power of the healing that happens for you.

Not just for you, but for everyone involved in that atonement, and the reason for it. In many ways, past life healing work is also an atonement, and so is soul retrieval and inner child healing work. For the greater the love that you become, the greater the causes that you are given to fulfil.

And the more that people are willing to heal the self, the more that HaShem reveals to you what your divine purpose for being and mission is to be. His will, his divine will implemented to help humanity in his way, that is naturally pure, compassionate and merciful. Are you willingly to love - as he loves you and be in God's love?

In my humble view and extensive experience, the Son of God, known as Jesus gave dignity to Israel, and he liberates the dignity of people in the power of his love. He liberates the dignity of everyone that the heavenly Father sends him to help. Whether many appreciate that dignity is another matter, what is Israel without its holy Son that was dignified in doing his best to help his people?

What is love, do you know? Do you really know?

Do you really know what it is like to experience love beyond measure, and to live it and to manifest it on a daily basis? Does Bobby Brown know what love beyond measure is? Did Bobby Brown make his atonement in Israel with Whitney Houston or did he stand against Israel?

Now again, Bobby stands against the man that his daughter loved, and the family on both sides did that from the beginning of their relationship. Is that love, do you know?

I received a message from Whitney Houston and she said this of America,  'They rape you, and rape you, until there is nothing left of you'. Whitney was warning me about America. She also spoke about a spiritual teacher for her daughter. Did the children bring peace to Whitney during her life? Did she discipline the children, in a way that they would and did bring peace to her soul? My view of it is that the children brought her peace and great happiness.

How can love cover the American families as it is written in Proverbs 10:12, unless they are willing to become the power of love beyond measure, and make their atonement for what they have done, without anymore bloodshed?

How can any of them know what a holy temple is - unless they have experienced it for themselves?

There are many temples, how many are holy?

In the book of Galatians, the words written are these. 'Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added due to the transgressions until the seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given by angels and entrusted to a mediator'.  

However, it is important to note that God made many promises and some of those promises related to the last days of the end times, and that is why the books were sealed. So how could Rome and the scholars know the truth if the books were sealed until the appointed time?

How powerful is your love? Is your love so powerful that you were given the law through angels?

Were you allowed to see angels and have angels make their ascent with you? These are questions for Christians to ask themselves. Were you given the meditation of the heart, and the power of a loving healing voice to heal the many? Were you given the love vibration, so that you could pour out your love onto others - for their healing advancement and empowerment? Did you receive divine sayings that you collected, and then published? Did you speak those words to heal their bones with your healing hands in position, and the breath of the softness of your voice?

Did you discipline your children so that they would give you peace? What healing disciplines did you give your children?

For there is much healing work to be done in the Americas; due to what the Churches have done to it.

Do you know that they didn't even allow Nick to attend her funeral, and they made him leave her bedside. When you see the photo's of the children together, they looked so much in love with each other. Children that had grown up together as brother and sister. A child that Whitney had taken into her heart and home. Where is the justice for Nick in all of this? Where is the love beyond measure in his time of bereavement? Does Bobby have any care or concern for the poor?

Interesting that in April 2015, I had a dream with Whitney Houston in it, and the person that she was screaming about was a man, and what was being done to that man.

Later that evening, I was given Bobbi Kristina's name, so the man was clearly someone that she knew in the dream.

Previous posts and messages in connection with Whitney Houston and her daughter.

Liberate your love, and in dignity you will find yourselves in the most wonderful divine presence of perfect justice. My heart goes out to you Nick Gordon, may you be given all the help that can be provided to help you, in your time of grief. Some people do care and are concerned for your peace and well-being, and I care for you.

May love shower upon you, and those that touch your life. May you know grace and be gracious in everything that you do and say. May you appreciate the power of love that exists for you, may you be held in its tender arms embrace. May you be soothed with healing oils to release all the tension from your body and heart. May you be given all the healing that you require; to heal in the purest intention with the utmost attention.

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