
Sunday 9 August 2015


The purpose of this post is to explain the atonement.

Ezekiel 45:20 mentions making atonement for others for the temple. Did you make atonement? As HaShem said, 'By the time they find out what we have done it will be too late for them to change it'.

While I was in Israel in May 2006, atonement was made in Elijah's place on Mount Carmel on the top of the mountain where there is a wonderful view across the land. After our group of spiritual Israeli's arrived, so did a large group of French Christians, they shared with us that they had come to apologise to the Jewish people for what had been said about them in regard to what happened to Jesus.

No blood was involved in the atonement, just our pure intention and our utmost attention to put things right. Also on Mount Carmel a Jewish dad arrived with his children and he was also sharing the story of Elijah with his children. The different languages were being spoken on the mount during the atonement, English, Hebrew and French. After ceremony was completed the birds came to dance and sing for us, it signified that ceremony was completed and that God's creation was happy with what had been done in his name.

Interesting that a specific location was chosen for that atonement to be implemented; and afterwards it enabled many to reclaim that which their souls required; to ensure their wholeness afterwards.

That then reminds us of the river flowing, and Ezekiel 47:9. Ezekiel 47:12. The water from the sanctuary flows to them, their fruit will serve for food, and their leaves for healing. Prophet Zechariah also mentions how people would be sent from far away to help build the temple of the LORD.

'Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the LORD, and you will know that the LORD Almighty as sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the LORD your God. Zechariah 6:15. Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple'. Then you can cross-reference that with the book of Malachi and the promise that the messenger would come to pave the way, and then afterwards, the Messenger of the Covenant would come. Malachi 3:1.

No coincidence than, that I was sent back to Israel the following year, to deliver the everlasting covenant for the children of the world. Praise be to HaShem.

The same thing happened in 2007, after ceremony was completed at the gateway, two Indian men arrived - so once again it was confirmation for the Israeli that came with me that day. After that, while I was in Safed, an American arrived, he had come from afar, and that was further confirmation for the Jewish people.

In 2003 for the harmonic concordance, an Israeli author joined us in Florence with the Italians, that was confirmation for the Italians. We had a wonderful harmonic epiphany, and serving of bread and wine.

When I was sent to the Canaries, and the biggest sandstorm happened for over 30 years, prior to that a woman from Norway had joined our group making us four. During the sandstorm when two left the group, I met a couple from Germany. After that, the Norwegian musician and I just happened to bump into some spiritual teachers from Norway that she knew. So we all went out to dinner together.

A few years later, an Austrian woman was brought into my life and a Swedish man. Again, two people had come from afar. When I was teaching healing in the UK an American girl arrived on the training course, she had just flown into the UK. Germans were also brought into my life on the healing journey. Again HaShem was giving his confirmation about his holy temple. There are many temples - how many of those temples are holy?

Prior to that another Austrian had been brought into my life, and a few years later that Reiki Master Teacher returned to Austria, after she had been divinely guided on what was best for her to do, while she was in the UK.

Many people came into my life from afar on the divine journey as confirmation to the people. Its happened so many times, in so many different locations, its hard to remember them all. Although I do remember the Egyptians with fond memories. Even when I went to Ein Gedi, I met people from Denmark who were there for health reasons, and while I was staying on the Galilee in Northern Israel, some American students arrived who were in Israel doing archaeology. It was great confirmation, confirmed, over and over again.

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