
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Saints Judgement

Some say that God's saints and messengers are put to death due to what they were sent to deliver, and they give an example of the fact that many Christians have died.

The fact is that the real saints lived, they passed the initiations on the rite of passage that was required for them to do so. There are many examples that testify to the fact, that some mystics did better than others. That is why it was necessary for the saints to judge the angels so that they could, and would live on their esoteric journey.

To understand that judgement, you can view it in terms of judging their circumstances; to enable them to comprehend it in an esoteric way. Another reason why the saints are justified by God, due to them helping the angels with their ascent.

Interesting that HaShem spoke about the 'Tamils', and today, I have written about angels and then there was a Tamil video recommended for viewing on angels. So I am sharing with you the Tamil video on angels to enable people to see a different perspective.

Now, just because I share a video, doesn't mean that I agree with all that the video contains. Based upon spiritual experience of the esoteric heavenly ascent, I certainly do not agree with everything that the Tamil says in this video. However, he does make some points that you may be interested in, especially his view on Turkey.

The other aspect that people are discussing is the differences between what God creates and what man creates. One of the instructions to man from God was to defend the widows, fatherless and the poor. What he was saying was if you are as strong as me, then do as I do. Remember in Rev 12 and Micah 4, the woman was rescued. The fact that the wondrous woman was rescued, then proved that God does intervene in what is divinely important to him.

That's another reason why the Old Bailey was given by a wealthy man charitably, and that wealthy man was giving a very big message to the legal profession in England. To always remember how they came into existence and why, and how that relates to the name of God and his compassion for humanity. Compassion is an active word, and it means to take compassionate action.

So you can view that when the saints judge the angels; they're taking compassionate action to defend in the power of God. However, if the angels do not accept corrections, then they end up like many people did, dying for the truth that they embraced. The thing is how many integrated the divine truth, for there is a difference between the truth of man, and the truth that God unfolds before you in his word, while you are on your journey with him.

The word of God unfolds, and I often said to the angels, 'integrate, integrate, integrate' in as much as they had to integrate, what had been shared with them, so that they could truly live it divinely.

Remember this even Jesus was given water by a woman, even Jesus was corrected by a woman, even Jesus was given healing and aromatherapy oils; and it was massaged into his body by a woman.

Man cannot live by bread alone is true, and how many people have seen Jesus making bread and wine?

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